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15.224 ideas para salones con suelo de cemento

Ana & Alfredo
Ana & Alfredo
Diseño de salón con barra de bar tipo loft actual grande con suelo de cemento
Atlantic Beach Contemporary Kitchen
Atlantic Beach Contemporary Kitchen
The Cabinet ShoppeThe Cabinet Shoppe
bench storage cabinets with white top Jessie Preza
Diseño de salón para visitas cerrado actual grande sin chimenea con suelo de cemento, suelo marrón, paredes blancas y televisor colgado en la pared
HW InteriorsHW Interiors
Modelo de salón para visitas abierto tradicional renovado pequeño sin televisor con paredes grises, todas las chimeneas, suelo de cemento, marco de chimenea de baldosas y/o azulejos y suelo beige
Best of Houzz 2025: ¡Conoce a los ganadores!
Bee Cave New Build
Bee Cave New Build
Laura Burton InteriorsLaura Burton Interiors
An Indoor Lady
Foto de salón abierto actual de tamaño medio con paredes grises, suelo de cemento, chimenea de doble cara, televisor colgado en la pared y marco de chimenea de baldosas y/o azulejos
Brighton: Renovation & Extension
Brighton: Renovation & Extension
First Avenue HomesFirst Avenue Homes
Diseño de salón abierto contemporáneo de tamaño medio con paredes blancas, suelo de cemento, chimenea de doble cara, marco de chimenea de piedra y suelo gris
Timby ADU
Timby ADU
Shelter Solutions LLC - ADU SpecialistShelter Solutions LLC - ADU Specialist
Foto de salón para visitas abierto de estilo de casa de campo sin televisor con paredes blancas, suelo de cemento y suelo gris
My Houzz: The Thorns
My Houzz: The Thorns
Lucy CallLucy Call
Photo: Lucy Call © 2014 Houzz Design: Imbue Design
Diseño de salón abierto y cemento contemporáneo sin chimenea y televisor con paredes azules y suelo de cemento
La maison de l'écorce
La maison de l'écorce
Construction MemphréConstruction Memphré
Le salon de la Maison de l'Écorce séduit avec son plafond voûté et de grandes fenêtres qui invitent la nature à l'intérieur. Un espace aérien où la lumière abonde, créant une expérience gastronomique immersive et évoquant l'essence même de la vie scandinave, fusionnant l'intérieur avec la splendeur extérieure.
Earthy Modern Minimalist
Earthy Modern Minimalist
Linette Dai DesignLinette Dai Design
Ejemplo de salón moderno con paredes blancas, suelo de cemento, suelo gris y madera
Architects Project
Architects Project
Mark HardyMark Hardy
Modelo de salón para visitas abierto retro extra grande con paredes azules, suelo de cemento, chimenea de esquina, marco de chimenea de metal, suelo gris y madera
Mid-Century Fusion kitchen remodel and living space addition in Monrovia
Mid-Century Fusion kitchen remodel and living space addition in Monrovia
Metropolis Drafting and Construction IncMetropolis Drafting and Construction Inc
A Modern home that wished for more warmth... An addition and reconstruction of approx. 750sq. area. That included new kitchen, office, family room and back patio cover area. The floors are polished concrete in a dark brown finish to inject additional warmth vs. the standard concrete gray most of us familiar with. A huge 16' multi sliding door by La Cantina was installed, this door is aluminum clad (wood finish on the interior of the door). The vaulted ceiling allowed us to incorporate an additional 3 picture windows above the sliding door for more afternoon light to penetrate the space. Notice the hidden door to the office on the left, the SASS hardware (hidden interior hinges) and the lack of molding around the door makes it almost invisible.
CLB ArchitectsCLB Architects
While texture and color reflecting the personality of the client are introduced in interior furnishings throughout the Riverbend residence, the overall restraint of the architectural palette creates a built experience that has the feel of a quiet platform set amidst the trees. Residential architecture and interior design by CLB in Jackson, Wyoming – Bozeman, Montana.
The Black Barn
The Black Barn
Laney LA, Inc.Laney LA, Inc.
The interior of the home is polar opposite of the exterior. The double-heigh volume is flooded with light, highlighting the bright upper mass and more complex living surfaces below.
Not Your Grandfather's Barn! A Modern Pole Barn House in Lauderdale Lake Area
Not Your Grandfather's Barn! A Modern Pole Barn House in Lauderdale Lake Area
Stebnitz Builders, Inc.Stebnitz Builders, Inc.
This 2,500 square-foot home, combines the an industrial-meets-contemporary gives its owners the perfect place to enjoy their rustic 30- acre property. Its multi-level rectangular shape is covered with corrugated red, black, and gray metal, which is low-maintenance and adds to the industrial feel. Encased in the metal exterior, are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a state-of-the-art kitchen, and an aging-in-place suite that is made for the in-laws. This home also boasts two garage doors that open up to a sunroom that brings our clients close nature in the comfort of their own home. The flooring is polished concrete and the fireplaces are metal. Still, a warm aesthetic abounds with mixed textures of hand-scraped woodwork and quartz and spectacular granite counters. Clean, straight lines, rows of windows, soaring ceilings, and sleek design elements form a one-of-a-kind, 2,500 square-foot home
Adomako ArchitektenAdomako Architekten
Foto de salón abierto contemporáneo con paredes grises, suelo de cemento y suelo gris
Il soggiorno: interno-esterno.
Foto de salón abierto moderno de tamaño medio sin chimenea y televisor con paredes blancas, suelo de cemento y suelo gris
Haus DN
Haus DN
Henecka Architekten BDAHenecka Architekten BDA
Foto: Daniel Vieser . Architekturfotografie
Imagen de salón abierto minimalista de tamaño medio con paredes blancas, suelo de cemento y suelo gris
Wohnhaus S
Wohnhaus S
Architekturbüro zwo P Planungsgesellschaft mbHArchitekturbüro zwo P Planungsgesellschaft mbH
Modelo de salón abierto contemporáneo extra grande con paredes blancas, suelo de cemento, chimeneas suspendidas, marco de chimenea de yeso y suelo gris
Mandy Moore Living Room with White Washed Brick Fireplace
Mandy Moore Living Room with White Washed Brick Fireplace
Fireclay TileFireclay Tile
Paying homage to her Pasadena home's midcentury modern roots, Mandy Moore and interior designer Sarah Sherman Samuel resurfaced the fireplace with a sustainable white glazed thin Brick surround from Fireclay Tile and added a terrazzo floating bench to make it the focal point of the family room. Sample Fireclay's glazed thin brick colors and more at fireclaytile.com/samples Glazed Thin Brick Shown 2.5x8 Thin Brick in Lewis Range

15.224 ideas para salones con suelo de cemento

Haus DN
Haus DN
Henecka Architekten BDAHenecka Architekten BDA
Foto: Christoph Göckel
Modelo de salón con rincón musical abierto moderno de tamaño medio con paredes blancas, suelo de cemento, chimeneas suspendidas y suelo gris
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