1.157 ideas para dormitorios infantiles asiáticos
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Foto de dormitorio infantil asiático con paredes blancas, suelo de madera en tonos medios y suelo marrón

Diseño de dormitorio infantil asiático de tamaño medio con suelo de madera clara
Diseño de dormitorio infantil asiático de tamaño medio con suelo de madera clara


The daughter’s room also spaced out well by using the window side to create a cozy grey wrapped cocoon with a platform bed freeing up the entire floor space for movement. The layered look with an accent turquoise slatted oakwood angular wrap in the center brings in dynamic element juxtaposed with large mirrors adding a lot of depth to the room. Camouflaging doors with paneling and finer details of handles and lights render a very contemporary chic style to this bedroom space.
Prashant Bhat
Encuentra al profesional adecuado para tu proyecto

This Chinese Qing Dynasty bed at the second floor stair landing makes a perfect space to take a nap or laze around with a good book at White Surf.
White Surf is a newly renovated custom designed 7,000 sq.ft. oceanfront home offering unsurpassed amenities and possibilities unique to the Vero Beach, Florida area.
This home can be rented (when not in use by its owner) for family vacations, see http://www.vrbo.com/496214 for details.
The excellent location (next to Round Island Oceanfront Park and directly across from Round Island Riverside Park) offers breathtaking unobstructed 360 degree endless views of both the Atlantic Ocean and the Intracoastal Waterway and surrounding wetlands. The home sits in the heart of Vero Beach's acclaimed South Beach Estate row among $20+ million homes.
The Green Antiques Design and Development Team imported a full container of the finest antique Chinese architectural elements and antique Chinese furniture to complement White Surf's stunning custom designed interior, which includes an indoor home theater with 200 inch high-definition Mitsubishi projection screen, Bose theater sound, and 11 comfy seats, lower level recreation zone with 13 foot ceilings, two full kitchens on the first and third floors, elevator, fitness room, multiple living and family rooms on three floors, six bedrooms including a six person bunk room which allows the house to sleep 17 comfortably in bedrooms, and up to 20 if the sleeper sofa and Qing Dynasty Bed are used.
White Surf offers a luxurious custom designed resort pool featuring four waterfalls, lighting, surround sound outdoor speakers, and magnificent landscaping. Outdoor lovers will enjoy sunbathing or a nip in the ocean at the life-guarded beach, or even the experience of kayaking and surfing at adjacent recreational park areas with public beach access including boat ramp!
The soothing waters and white sandy beaches of the Atlantic Ocean await you at White Surf!

В квартире всего одна детская комната, а детей в семье двое. Из положения вышли, разделив комнату пополам с помощью раздвижных дверей с пенальной системой. Таким образом, в течение дня дети могут играть в просторной комнате, при этом у каждого есть собственная территория и отгороженное спальное место.
В проекте использована паркетная доска Coswick дуб Серый Кашемир.

Modelo de dormitorio infantil de estilo zen de tamaño medio con paredes blancas, suelo de madera oscura y suelo marrón
Modelo de dormitorio infantil de estilo zen de tamaño medio con paredes blancas, suelo de madera oscura y suelo marrón

赤い玄関ドアと六角形のタイルのコンビネーションに、ルイスポールセンの照明器具がアクセント Photo by Hitomi Mese
Foto de habitación de niño de 1 a 3 años asiática con paredes multicolor y suelo de madera en tonos medios
Foto de habitación de niño de 1 a 3 años asiática con paredes multicolor y suelo de madera en tonos medios
1.157 ideas para dormitorios infantiles asiáticos

Diseño de interiores en Barcelona. Sala de juegos incluida en el dormitorio infantil de una vivienda unifamiliar en Barcelona, diseñado para dar el espacio adecuado para jugar sin parar, inspirado en las villas de lujo balinesas con jardines exóticos, materiales continuos y maderas nobles.