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Ejemplo de escalera vintage de tamaño medio con ladrillo
Green Sheep Collective
Green Sheep Collective
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas4 valoraciones Ver perfil

Oh What A Ceiling!

‘Oh What A Ceiling!’ ingeniously transformed a tired mid-century brick veneer house into a suburban oasis for a multigenerational family. Our clients, Gabby and Peter, came to us with a desire to reimagine their ageing home such that it could better cater to their modern lifestyles, accommodate those of their adult children and grandchildren, and provide a more intimate and meaningful connection with their garden. The renovation would reinvigorate their home and allow them to re-engage with their passions for cooking and sewing, and explore their skills in the garden and workshop.

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Kym Fritz se ha añadido esto a Living Room Design anteayer

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