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Need Help with Front Door Color on 1901 Home

hace 7 años
última modificación:hace 7 años

I am renovating an old 1901 house and I am having trouble deciding on a front door color. I am leaning towards a medium gray but I am having trouble finding the right tone. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Comentarios (27)

  • hace 7 años

    Thank you for the feedback and yes I agree with you on the shutters. I plan to possibly replace them with more prominent black or gray shutters in the future.

  • hace 7 años

    The future is NOW. Replace those shutters pronto. Beautiful house but the awful shutters ruin it.

  • hace 7 años

    BM Symphony Blue.

  • PRO
    hace 7 años

    I am in agreement that dark would be the way to go. SW Naval would be a great color for the doors and shutters too.

  • PRO
    hace 7 años
    Última modificación: hace 7 años

    No shutters will fit the windows properly. They were meant to be bare. But, if possible, add two over two muntins.

    I think your house is Colonial Revival in style, not unusual to have Greek Columns. I doubt the wrought iron is original as the design is neoclassical.

    New exterior sconces would help.

    For front door: consider B.M. Black Forest Green. Goes great with your brick steps.

  • hace 7 años

    Thank you all for the valuable feedback. Here is another picture of the home to give a little more perspective.

  • hace 7 años
    Última modificación: hace 7 años

    Larger shutters in black. Front door in blue.

  • PRO
    hace 7 años

    nice house. no gray. I like that Forest Green above or the dark blue. gray is too depressing on that house.

  • hace 7 años

    Dear John, thank you for posting photos of the whole house. I was very wrong about the shutters...no shutters on this fine old home. Owning a grand old home is a huge commitment in money and labor...BUT...don't feel that you have to do every little thing exactly as it was built UNLESS that is your desire.

  • hace 7 años

    this is a beautiful house

    remove all shutters permanently

    this house was not made to accept shutters

    the windows themselves do not seem to 'go with' shutters

    paint the window trim a contrasting color: there are many options

    paint the door some shade of the trim color?

    the dark green above is not bad

    you already have black in the iron railings; you could stick with black or play around with a beautiful dark color of some sort

  • hace 7 años

    Cedar Lake Renovation · Más información

  • hace 7 años
    Wonderful home, love the beautiful brick steps. Is the door old, if not original can it be stripped down and stained? Just a thought. I will not mention the shutters since you have already gotten wonderful advice regarding them
  • hace 7 años

    Our Past Design Work · Más información

  • hace 7 años

    Back Yard Guest House · Más información

  • PRO
    hace 7 años

    Ramona, that 1st pic you posted, that house is stunning! I love that black trim. John, doing your windows like that with the color scheme, and cleaning up those bricks, would really make that house grand again.

  • hace 7 años

    You all are awesome! Ramona I love the pics of the homes without shutters with the dark trim windows. I just had those vinyl replacement windows installed last year, so I'm not sure if it would work to just paint the trim around them? I had toyed with using SW Charleston Green which is very similar to the BM Black Forest Green that Judy posted above. I will shy away from the Gray for the front door and start thinking more toward a dark or black color :-)

  • hace 7 años
    Última modificación: hace 7 años

    John, that is why I included the third picture. The muntons, etc. are white and the dark green? is just on the trim. I think your house could pull off that look.

    Also, you can try one window as an experiment. Reversing the decision will not be difficult.

  • PRO
    hace 7 años

    love the dark trim! love the dark door.. love no shutters!

  • PRO
    hace 7 años

    I suggest black for the door.

  • hace 7 años
    Very lovely home! The windows would look more appropriate as JudyG Designs suggests with muntins. BM Black Forest green is one of my all time favorites! A classic door color!
  • hace 7 años
    I would be hesitant to paint the vinyl of your new windows, if that's what some are suggesting. Looks like a beautiful home.
  • hace 7 años
    Thank you! My grandparents actually purchased this home in 1941 and it's been in the family ever since so this is a special project!
  • hace 7 años

    I have bookmarked your post. Please post updated photos as work progresses, I would love to see them.

  • hace 7 años

    no one is suggesting painting the new windows. I am suggesting trying out a dark paint on the window trim. Painting the windows is probably impossible.

  • hace 7 años
    Here is the home with the front door primed. This gives a good idea of what it would look like white. Still debating on color.
  • PRO
    hace 7 años

    black is the best choice.

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