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Albañiles en Ashburn, VA

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Ashburn/50 km
115 de 4.540 profesionales
4.540 Profesionales

Valoraciones destacadas para Albañiles en Ashburn, VA

Van Metre Homes
Albañiles en Ashburn, VA
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas23 de septiembre de 2014
“Van Metre Homes is an amazing company. Their home designs are fantastic! I was able to find a functional floor plan built around my lifestyle! I would recommend them to anyone in the market for a new home - or anyone looking for inspiration on fresh new interior designs!”
Michael Nash Design, Build & Homes
Albañiles en Ashburn, VA
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas17 de octubre de 2013
“My wife and I selected Michael Nash from among five separate bids for a considerable renovation and expansion of our home. Michael Nash was the second lowest bidder, but our confidence in Sonny Nazemin’s eye for design and considerable number of award-winning designs was crucial in our initial selection. We have a grand house in Reston built in the late 1960s. It has solid bones but really needed a whole house renovation. We also needed more space to house our extended family. Our project consisted of a new two-car garage, siding, roofing and a totally new floor consisting of a master suite and bathroom. From the start of the project I was impressed with the one price upfront to complete the project. Sonny navigated our plans through the difficult process of approval by our local Design Review Board. His personal attention and negotiation with the board led to the rapid approval of our project. Follow on work for our front porch and driveway was reasonably priced. When we requested a re-design of the ceilings for the master suite, Sonny spared no expense hiring several architects to arrive at the design we desired. His vision throughout the project ensured its success. ******************* EXTRA FOLLOW-ON WORK COMPLETED jANUARY 25, 2014 *********************** We gave Michael Nash extra follow-on work with our kitchen because we were so pleased with how our Master Suite and other work turned out. We told Sonny that we had a limited budget but wanted to get as much of the kitchen done as possible. He suggested that we keep our old cabinets and redo everything else. Sonny has a great eye for design and suggested that we take out some cabinets to open up the room. He helped us with color choices that made the kitchen modern and bright. They replaced the oven, the hood, the induction cooktop, the counter, the floor, the sink, repaired and replaced doors, painted the room and put in a new lighting system with ten canned lights. Michael Nash kept to a timetable except for the hood at the end, which was really unavoidable. We are thrilled with our new kitchen and recommend Michael Nash to our neighbors and friends.”
Craftsman Construction
Albañiles en Ashburn, VA
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas24 de junio de 2012
“Craftsman Construction provided us with a building experience that was easy and worry free. Jerry was very professional, honest and trustworthy. Whenever a problem became apparent within our project, he thoughtfully resolved the issue. He was patient with us when we decided to make an aesthetic changes, even after the specified work had been completed. But most importantly, Craftsman's quality is what keeps us coming back to Jerry. We will build another house with Craftsman when it is time to downsize. Timothy and Amy Nojaim I would like to continue my review of Craftsman Construction. It has now been 8 years since Jerry has built our home. We have temporarily moved overseas. We have continued using Jerry and Craftsman Construction to manage the upkeep and occasional repairs to our wonderful house, while we have been away. He continues to be courteous and kind to our tenants. He is always fair with his pricing. He has truly become a family friend. Thanks, Jerr!”
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