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Diseño de jardín contemporáneo de tamaño medio en patio con jardín francés

Woollahra Villa Garden

This walled Woollahra courtyard garden was built as an entry to a recently renovated house but also as a private relaxation space. Through a laser cut corten steel entry gate you get glimpses of a private oasis beyond. Its rich warm brown colour is perfectly matched with the new spotted gum decking on the porch and the feature downlight by the front door. Soft gravel and steeping stones outside and through the gate draw the visitor in adding a soft and organic feel. Three steps lead to a generous deck wrapping around a corner to reveal more space for entertaining and an outdoor lounge. Planted here is some Boston ivy that will grow up the wall and further green up the space creating a seasonal element with its autumn leaves. An eclectic and varied planting palette of different leaf shapes and colours creates texture and stands out against the white walls. Plants were also chosen for their hardiness and low maintenance requirements. Two Olives planted within the gravel provide a light canopy and a frangipani near the lounge will be great to sit under as it grows taller over the years. The resulting garden is not only a lovely entry for the residents and their visitors but also a spot where they can sit and relax.

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