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Ejemplo de escalera en L retro sin contrahuella con escalones de madera y barandilla de madera
Eco Outdoor USA
Eco Outdoor USA
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Project | Coastal Beach House

Architecture & Interiors: Studio Esteta Photography: Sean Fennessy Located in an enviable position within arm’s reach of a beach pier, the refurbishment of Coastal Beach House references the home’s coastal context and pays homage to it’s mid-century bones. “Our client’s brief sought to rejuvenate the double storey residence, whilst maintaining the existing building footprint”, explains Sarah Cosentino, director of Studio Esteta. As the orientation of the original dwelling already maximized the coastal aspect, the client engaged Studio Esteta to tailor the spatial arrangement to better accommodate their love for entertaining with minor modifications. “In response, our design seeks to be in synergy with the mid-century character that presented, emphasizing its stylistic significance to create a light-filled, serene and relaxed interior that feels wholly connected to the adjacent bay”, Sarah explains. The client’s deep appreciation of the mid-century design aesthetic also called for original details to be preserved or used as reference points in the refurbishment. Items such as the unique wall hooks were repurposed and a light, tactile palette of natural materials was adopted. The neutral backdrop allowed space for the client’s extensive collection of art and ceramics and avoided distracting from the coastal views.

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