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Diseño de jardín actual de tamaño medio en verano en patio trasero con jardín francés, exposición reducida al sol, adoquines de piedra natural y macetero elevado
Yorkshire Gardens
Yorkshire Gardens
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas28 valoraciones Ver perfil

Modern Garden with a rustic twist

Within this garden we wanted to create a space which was not only on numerous levels, but also had various points of interest. This garden is on a slope, but is also very wide. Firstly, we broke up the space by using rustic sleepers to create several raised beds,as well as steps which lead to differennt zones. This helps to give the garden a more traditional, country edge. The sleepers were also used to create a winding path through out the garden, marrying together the various areas. The path leads up to the impressive sunburst pergola and circular stone patio. This is the perfect spot to view the whole garden. At the other end of the garden another pergola sits amougnst a bustling flower bed, and will be used to train vining flowers. Along the back wall of the garden a raised bed is home to a stunning display of wildflower. This plot is not only a fabulous riot of colour and full of rustic charm, but it also attracts a whole host of insects and animals. While wildflowers looks great they are also very low maintenance. Mixed gravel has been used to create a variety of texture. This surface is intermittently dotted with colour with lemon thyme, red hot pokers and foxgloves. Stone has been used to create a warm and welcoming patio area. Flower beds at the front of the garden can be used for veg and other leafy plants. Overall we have created a country style with a very contemporary twist through the use of gravel, modern shape and structural landscaping.

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Sheryl Lee Clark Landscape Design se ha añadido esto a Hillary 28 de marzo de 2024

16. Ideas

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