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Rencraft Ltd
Rencraft Ltd
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas15 valoraciones Ver perfil

Curves and Corian

A combination of curves and straight lines, oiled walnut and hand painted cupboards, have been used to achieve the overall effect. The base cupboards have been painted a slightly darker shade than those on the wall. The walnut island has a split level area which provides a large work station together with a sociable raised seating “bar” area. The work surfaces and sinks have been manufactured from Corian which gives a clean and seamless feel. An end grain walnut chopping board provides both contrast and a durable food preparation area. A pop up electrical socket in the island which is concealed when not in use, maintains the simple crisp, clean lines of the design. A Quooker has also been installed which provides instant boiling water. www.rencraft.co.uk

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