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Imagen de escalera en L clásica extra grande con escalones de mármol y contrahuellas de mármol
Deluxe Stair & Railing Ltd
Deluxe Stair & Railing Ltd
Puntuación media: 4.7 de 5 estrellas3 valoraciones Ver perfil

Barclay-Hollywood [A]

Similar to its successor in "Barclay-Hollywood [B]", this staircase was built with the same concept; having a beautiful self-supporting staircase floating while using only limited areas to leverage weight distribution. For the main floor up to second floor only, the connecting staircases had to be constructed of solid laminated Red Oak flat cut stringers at a thickness of 3-1/2" with exception to the flared stringer which was laminated in plywood layers for obvious reasons. The treads and risers were made of 1" plywood with a generous amount of glue, staples and screws in order to accommodate the marble cladding. The basement staircases featured 1-3/4" solid Red Oak flat cut treads with closed risers. This house is a cut above the rest! *railings were completed by others *featured images are property of Deluxe Stair & Railing Ltd

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Annmarie Thomas se ha añadido esto a Annmarie's Ideas 4 de junio de 2023

Very nice

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