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Foto de escalera suspendida contemporánea grande con escalones de madera y barandilla de varios materiales
Century Stair Company
Century Stair Company
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas24 valoraciones Ver perfil

48_Contemporary Round Stainless Steel Balustrade & Oak Treads, Arlington VA 2220

A remarkable Architect/Builder selected us to help design, build and install his geometric/contemporary four-level staircase; definitively not a “cookie-cutter” stair design, capable to blend/accompany very well the geometric forms of the custom millwork found throughout the home, and the spectacular chef’s kitchen/adjoining light filled family room. Since the architect’s goal was to allow plenty of natural light in at all times (staircase is located next to wall of windows), the stairs feature solid 2” oak treads with 4” nose extensions, absence of risers, and beautifully finished poplar stringers. The horizontal cable balustrade system flows dramatically from the lower level rec room to the magnificent view offered by the fourth level roof top deck. CSC © 1976-2020 Century Stair Company. All rights reserved.
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