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Virtual Reality Designers

hace 4 años
última modificación:hace 4 años

We are considering renovating our whole house, rather than moving. We are in a substantial 1976, 285 sqm, modern for its time lifestyle house. We would like to maybe gut the whole interior and start again with a modern living environment. This is hard to envisage so we are wondering if there is any VR designers out there?

Sorry old plans hard to see!

bedroom 1 larger over left verandah

kitchen and dinning are slightly different, as per pencil mark on original plans

Comentarios (3)

  • PRO
    hace 4 años

    Hi Wayne, there are several levels you can take "Virtual Reality" to with your home design. Typically clients have 3D imagery done in SketchUp or Archicad which is enough to gauge the finished look and flow of the spaces. Sometimes this can include "Fly throughs" and Geographic location light if required, (these have an additional cost), however most of the time 3D imagery still shots are enough for a client to visualise the spaces. If you would like further information or 3D drawings done I am happy to chat with you. I will post an example of what a floorplan could possibly look like made into in SketchUp shortly...

  • hace 4 años

    Thanks @KCandy&Co. Interior Design would be good to get some modern ideas on our interior and how to bring it up to date.

  • PRO
    hace 4 años

    Hi Wayne, here attached is an example of what a snapshot 3D drawing looks like built from a floor plan provided by a client. You will see it isn't 'Photorealistic' like what you might see on recent TV programmes, but still gives you a very good idea about the spaces, light etc. These plans do take some considerable time to 'virtual build', and as such all CAD operators charge for creating them. It's normally based on a charge up hourly rate, so shop around and see what works best for your budget. Good Luck!

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