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should I tile splash back on new kitchen currently being installed?

hace 5 años
Cream shaker kitchen currently being installed with granite worktops. Should I tile the whole of the splash back area as not keen on current trend for glass splash back for hob only.
Suggestions please! Photo of granite as shown.

Comentarios (9)

  • hace 5 años

    I like the granite and Jo’s kitchen. Very nice Jo. I too like the streamlined look. I detest kitchen tiles.

  • hace 5 años
    We did the same as Jo
  • hace 5 años

    I agree that a granite splashback will look very attractive, but I actually LOVE tiles too! I think if you want a sleek modern look then have the granite, but if you want a cosier look, then there are some fabulous tiles out there. Here’s a few I rather like

  • PRO
    hace 5 años
    Última modificación: hace 5 años

    Matching granite and up stands, lovely granite. However, many have mentioned that when tying the back splash and up stands together the difference in the two pieces of granite is quite noticeable, so something to bear in mind. I do think however, that regardless of not wanting glass or tile, you do need something behind a hob.

  • PRO
    hace 5 años

    You could have the worktop going up the walls of have glass all the way round? Tiles now are really nice and can look sleek however our glass supplier does tile prints onto glass giving you the tile look without having to clean grout lines etc.

  • PRO
    hace 5 años

    I think both options are lovely, i think i'm more of a fan of tiles though. The granite colour is lovely and would give a clean finish.

  • PRO
    hace 5 años

    As others have suggested, you could have an up stand and back splash behind the hob in matching granite OR tiles. Both work, just a different look, depends on your "style" Tiles can add colour, texture and depth, but if you choose this option, don't do pure white grout...it'll drive you crazy with the staining!

  • hace 5 años
    Thank you everyone for your helpful comments.
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