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is the top rail stainless steel or wood.

hace 6 años
Looking for stainless steel top rails that look like wood. Also need them to be thin for max ocean views.
Coastal Cable Railing · Más información

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  • PRO
    hace 6 años

    This is a wood top rail that has been painted black. It is a standard 2x4, which comes out to net 1.5" thick x 3.5" width. We always recommend the use of a 2x4 when going with a wood top rail, as it is a key component in maintaining the structural integrity of the system. This allows the system to sustain the cable tension loads and prevent slacking. If you go with a steel top rail we can reduce the size down to 1" profile. Hope this information is helpful. Don't hesitate to reach out to us directly if you have any further questions or would like to us to work on putting an estimate together for you! - SDCR


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