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sheen wearing off

hace 6 años
I want to know if there is a way to re-finish this tub as the shiny-ness has already come off in spots and it's only been installed and used for 1 year. I love the tub, but am very disappointed in the short life of the appearance of it. I do not use harsh cleaners or anything with a rough surface, just soap and water and a washcloth.
Luxor Bathtub, White · Más información

Comentarios (2)

  • PRO
    hace 6 años

    Hey Kristin,

    I am so sorry to hear that this is happening to you. Can you please send over pictures so that we can see what exactly it is you are referring to as this is the first time I have come across this issue.

    Please email the pictures to contact@bathpacific.com

    Thank You


  • hace 6 años

    The sheen is difficult to take a photo of. The tub was shiny when we installed in a year ago, but now it's dull and not shiny.

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