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Drummonds Bathrooms
Drummonds Bathrooms
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas5 valoraciones Ver perfil

Drummond's Case Study: Victorian Terrace House, South-West London

Classically elegant, light-reflecting pieces and tiles in bold Mediterranean hues create a truly unique scheme. Set in south-west London this stunning 5 bedroom Victorian terrace features a Mediterranean-inspired family bathroom creating a relaxing, calming haven in which the family can completely relax and was published in the October 2015 issue of Homes & Gardens, Dream Bathrooms. When the property was purchased 5 years ago, the owners wanted to redesign the master ensuite and create more space so that all the family members could use. The owners were able to double the size of the room and created sufficient space to include a walk-in shower that features Drummond’s elegant Dalby Shower with curved pipe and a 300mm rose in Nickel finish “We chose these classic-style fittings from Drummonds because they are so glamorous. They are luxurious, beautiful made and built to last” says the owner. The striking Tay bath tub with its gleaming polished finish and a plunger waste is set against a wall paneled in antique mirror from Rupert Bevan Furniture & Interiors, all of which helps to reflect the light that streams in through the windows in the roof making the room feel even bigger. The double Crake basin with its chunky storage shelf and the beautiful Atlantic Grey marble comes in complete contrast with the beautiful Mediterranean floor tiles in sea blues and greens from Rustico Tile & Stone. The Brora high level WC suite along with the wall mounted towel rail and the bathroom accessories add even more unique touches to the bathroom. Photography by Darren Chung

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