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Diseño de jardín clásico de tamaño medio en verano en patio trasero con exposición reducida al sol, adoquines de piedra natural y fuente
Arbordale Landscaping
Arbordale Landscaping
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas64 valoraciones Ver perfil

Contemporary Poolscape

This is a Credit Valley ledgerock and flagstone raised patio and pool deck. The serviceberry tree is fruiting (edible) right now and adds a great splash of red in the late summer. The stained cedar fence has a plywood backer, which gives the illusion that it is vacant behind the slats. The cap-less ledgerock wall has a very unique feel to it, with the off-centre, sheer descent water feature. The planter for annuals has drip irrigation. Love how the rhododendron, to the left of the water feature, is really starting to stretch over the pool. We can see a sundial type garden ornament at the bottom of the photo, which was selected by the client.
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