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Lovely green! Do you know what colour and paint line this is?

hace 4 años
Lovely green. Do you know what colour and paint line this is?
Painted Cabinets · Más información

Comentarios (9)

  • hace 3 años

    Hi! Where are the sconces from? They are so elegant!

  • hace 3 años

    Love this color too, can you tell me if this is a satin finish or semi-gloss?

  • hace 3 años

    Love the cabinet pulls! Any idea where they are from?

  • hace 3 años

    Eden Green. These cabinets are from Stoffer Home Cabinetry. The hardware can be found on stofferhome.com (per IG - I follow Jean Stoffer's work)

  • hace 2 años

    Hello, I love this color Eden Green. I contacted a Pittsburgh Paint supplier and they said it is not one of their colors. Was it when you purchased it or do I have the wrong info?

    would love any help here. Thank you

  • hace 2 años

    I believe this is a proprietary color of Jean Stoffer

  • hace 2 años

    Such a pleasure to see something other than an all white kitdhen with a white counter/island top with gray veining. This is a color combo that will never grow old. A treat to walk into each and every day. I love it!

  • hace 3 meses

    What sheen is that?

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