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Before and After of our little island cottage - curb appeal

hace 5 años

We've been working on dressing up the curb appeal of our little island cottage - now our retirement home. This has been mostly DIY - dressing up the porch skirts, beefing up the posts, installing proper stairs and railing, repainting and redoing the landscaping. Almost done, but any suggestion appreciated!

Comentarios (26)

  • hace 5 años

    Thanks, Cece!

  • hace 5 años

    Absolutely darling!

    Linda agradeció a Bkob
  • hace 5 años

    Thanks Bkob!

  • hace 5 años

    Adorable house! You've done a fabulous job!

    Linda agradeció a Elaine Ricci
  • hace 5 años

    Thank you Elaine. I learnt a lot of carpentry skills over the last couple of years LOL

  • hace 5 años

    I love it!

    Linda agradeció a ilikefriday
  • hace 5 años


    Linda agradeció a decoenthusiaste
  • hace 5 años

    Very nice!

    Linda agradeció a Jennifer Hogan
  • hace 5 años

    Gorgeous , you have done a wonderful job...After your work, it would be so satisfying to come home to this.....

    Linda agradeció a kazzh
  • hace 5 años

    I love it! So charming and inviting.

    Linda agradeció a jo_in_tx
  • hace 5 años

    It looks so nice; well done. It's good to see handsome lattice

    Linda agradeció a lisaam
  • PRO
    hace 5 años

    Love it! What a fabulous job.

    Linda agradeció a Lion Windows and Doors
  • hace 5 años

    Thanks lisaam! I built that lattice myself, from cedar slats, as I didn't like the look of the ready-made stuff. Lots of painting, but I am happy with how it turned out.

  • hace 5 años

    Wow, very nice.

  • hace 5 años

    Such a nice difference! With your beautiful porch and your fire pit, you have such great curb appeal now. Looks like a great place to spend a nice day outside. :)

  • PRO
    hace 4 años

    Omg, I saw the first picture and was like, "I feel bad that this is the house they're going to retire into". Then I saw the second picture, and was so relieved. Phew..

    What a change. Looks great.. Your landscaping, and how you did the circular driveway with gravel looks really pretty..

    I'm really glad you remove the tree on the left side of the house. You can see the new stairs you put in. I would add a white roof/canopy/awning over those stairs, just so if it's raining you have a dry spot. If you did a roof, you could put some really pretty corbels in the ends.

    Also, is it possible to have the cables leading into the house via the column that pierces your roof line to be buried, and patching that into one solid roof?

  • hace 4 años

    So lovely. Great landscaping and nice warm wood and paint colors.

    Linda agradeció a Kendrah
  • hace 4 años

    Thanks K Interior Design Group! Yes an awning over the side porch is on the todo list! :-). Still thinking about design. I’m picturing more white lattice on the sides of an awning that covers the either side porch. May add more window boxes too. Would love to bury the electrical line but the ground is very rocky (including some bedrock) with very large Douglas fit trees. It would be prohibitively expense. We did upgrade the panel though. Also completely redid the interior so it’s pretty comfortable now. Thanks for the thoughts!

  • hace 4 años

    what kind of decking did you use for the porch? we are trying to decide between Trex and painted wood for our similar vintage and style home (1920's side by side duplex). We were all set on Trex then heard that maybe it's slippery when damp? Ours is a rental so extra concerned about liability etc.

    TIA :-)

  • hace 4 años

    Hi, mabies. The decking on the front is painted wood. I don't have any experience with Trex, although I don't see it used much in our area which is rainy in the winter. The main part of this porch is covered, so doesn't get wet. For the stairs, (which do get wet) we mixed a small amount of fine sand into the paint, which provides some grip, while keeping the same general look. Hope that helps!

  • PRO
    hace 4 años

    Great job! It shows how small changes can make a huge difference. The landscape became more beautiful and practical at the same time.

    Linda agradeció a Nabil
  • hace 4 años

    So pretty - really wonderful job, you must thrilled!

    Linda agradeció a kodiac23
  • PRO
    hace 4 años

    Your home is lovely

    Linda agradeció a PRM Custom Builders
  • PRO
    hace 4 años

    It looks great! Love the porch color and the new skirting you added. The balustrade at the stair makes a big difference and even though it may be less than 30" to grade (hard to tell from photo) it's always a good idea to have a railing. Your landscaping is very nice!!

    Linda agradeció a Norwood Architects
  • hace 4 años

    Great work!!


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