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Size of the shower

I would love to get some feedback on the size of this shower without a door. what is the overall size? Does it function well as a shower or is there a ton of water outside the shower?
Urban Lake Bungalow in the Heart of Rosemont · Más información

Comentarios (8)

  • PRO
    hace 4 años

    I hadn't noticed the window until you mentioned it. Regarding the window is the glass in the window clear? or Opaque? maybe it is in a area where they can't see in?

    Thank you

  • hace 4 años

    I am looking to do this with a freestanding tub. I like the no shower door. After estimating the space for my tub, I’m left with 4’5”w X 5’d. I hope I can do the same.

  • hace 4 años

    I love this bathroom - especially the frosted privacy glass (rather than clear glass). Is the curbless shower for accessibility or for looks? Are the sink and countertop a universal/accessible height?

  • hace 4 años

    Would you be able to tell me who makes the vanity cabinet?

  • hace 3 años

    I would also like to know about the vanity... how much and where to purchase

  • hace 3 años

    Is the ceiling fixture light only or vet with heat?

  • el último año



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