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Unique calcata quartz

hace 6 años

Hi we are thinking of getting this for our kitchen countertops. has anyone had any experience with this quartz? Does it stain ? Is it easy maintenance? we have boys so im getting a little nervous... thanks in advance

Comentarios (2)

  • hace 6 años

    LOVE quartz I will only do quartz, I have white quartz with hint of veins (cheap Allen & Roth line from Lowe's) and there were times that I thought something was going to stain and going over it with wet paper towel and hand soap got it out when spray wouldn't (we're talking days old strawberry juice spot that was hidden behind a paper) and my oldest got pen on it before and that took real scrubbing with hand soap to get it out, but those have been our worst case stories. If you wipe when you spill something within a few hours it definitely won't stain. It is awesome. I would never get anything else I only like quartz! It's not easy maintenance- it's no maintenance! :) No sealing to worry about, no bacteria infiltrating to worry about, Just wipe when you spill and your good :) And don't let your kids vandalize it with writing instruments :)

    emehouse1 agradeció a jillianfl
  • PRO
    hace 6 años

    Hi @evulcain,

    We are glad to read that you were considering our Unique Calacatta for your kitchen. There's no better reply to your questions than the one given by @jillianfl


    emehouse1 agradeció a COMPAC
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