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Dilemna: Stove too close to refrigerator cabinet... Protection ideas?

hace 7 años
última modificación:hace 7 años

Help. In our new kitchen remodel (not quite finished), we took down 2 walls and added an island between kitchen and living room. This meant that the refrigerator's new location had to be placed next to the range/stove with only a 9 1/2" counter top separating the two.

My concern: The refrigerator cabinet is made of wood and covered in paint and glaze. With the stove so close to the side of the refrigerator cabinet, I am worried that, over years of cooking, grease would build up/affect the refrigerator cabinet. I am a clean freak and I know I'll clean the cabinet after every meal, but it's not realistic to think that the paint/glaze wouldn't be affected over time.

I would LOVE some ideas regarding this design dilemma: I want to cover the area of the cabinet - that is in line with the back splash - with something that is cleanable, but haven't figured out the best option:

1) If I continue the back splash (not yet installed)

onto the refrigerator cabinet, that would mean ruining the cabinet for any future back splash changes...and repairs for this would be very difficult, so I'm looking for other options.

2) Possibly a sheet of clear glass over the area?? Has anyone done this successfully? The color of the paint/glaze would show through and I'd be able to keep the refrigerator cabinet clean if any grease splashes onto it. But, is this practical? How would it be installed? And where, oh where, would I even find something like a nice piece of glass to place over a wood cabinet without air space between the glass and the cabinet (don't want any "muck" to get behind the glass that is un-cleanable...).

What do y'all think? I am very open to suggestions!!! :)


Comentarios (11)

  • PRO
    M Sm agradeció a BeverlyFLADeziner
  • hace 7 años

    I have a similar situation in one of our apartments. However, our stove is right next to the refrigerator. It is not in a wood surround which complicates the matter. I bought 12" wide x3' long flexible magnet 1/8" thick that has a white cleanable finish on it. Being magnet is simply adheres to the side of the refrigerator and then they simply take the magnet off to clean. Very simple.

    M Sm agradeció a needshave
  • hace 7 años

    needshave, that is an awesome idea for a fridge without the built-in cabinet around it. :-)

  • hace 7 años
    Última modificación: hace 7 años

    BeverlyFLADeziner, that's a great idea...a stainless steel plate...unfortunately, I have no stainless steel in my kitchen and my back splash tiles, when they come in, will be a warm Tuscan yellow (called "Glossy wheat") and I wonder what Stainless Steel would look like next to them? But, I think you're on the right track...thanks so much!

  • hace 7 años

    BeverlyFLADeziner Love the photo! Thanks for posting that! That's exactly what I need to do! May I ask what clear "Lexan" is? Thanks so much!

  • hace 7 años

    I love this idea!!!

    Now, if only I could find a fabricator in California that could do this on clear Lexan! Thanks for the heads up about Lexan BeverlyFLADeziner. You're awesome!

  • PRO
    hace 7 años

    Clear Lexan is Plexiglass

    M Sm agradeció a BeverlyFLADeziner
  • PRO
    hace 7 años
    Última modificación: hace 7 años

    I think your cabinet panel will be fine. Just wipe regularly with a microfiber cloth , a touch of Dawn and water. It likely has a catalyzed finish that should stand up to cleaning.

  • PRO
    hace 7 años

    By the way the one in my house is only another 4" away and it stays very clean....

  • hace 7 años
    I agree with Apropos. Just wipe the cabinet often. In my last home, the stove was right up against a wall. The wall occasionally got splashed and definitely got warm but just wiping it was fine and there was never any damage.

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