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Is this is a Craftsman construction?

hace 8 años
última modificación:hace 8 años

We are in the process of buying this house and I'm curious to find out what kind of construction design is it!!


Comentarios (10)

  • PRO
    hace 8 años

    The architectural details of this house look very much like a Craftsman. What year was it built?

    luiza2014 agradeció a Andrena Felger / In House Design Co.
  • hace 8 años

    i have no idea!! We are buying it and once we get the paperwork We might find out! check the pics of the lobby above, please....

  • hace 8 años
    Before you buy it I hope you will get all the details. I own a 100 year old Craftsman cottage. It is not made of brick, but redwood siding. Make sure you do all inspections, especially check the foundation . Lovely home, but do your homework.
    luiza2014 agradeció a User
  • hace 8 años

    FYI, Most of the time Zillow will show you the year it was built. Just type in the address and it's under facts.

    luiza2014 agradeció a Ashley
  • hace 8 años

    Ashley I am in Canada and Zillow doesn't include Canada....

  • hace 8 años

    Andrena Felger, it was built in 1935!

  • hace 8 años

    Where can I get rad covers like this one?! I am in Ontario, Canada. Thanks!

  • PRO
    hace 8 años

    I believe libradesigneye is correct, that would be considered a Bungalow style.

    luiza2014 agradeció a SBA Studios
  • hace 8 años
    Yup, a craftsman bungalow.
    luiza2014 agradeció a User
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