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Sorrells Custom Wine Rooms
Sorrells Custom Wine Rooms
Puntuación media: 4.8 de 5 estrellas20 valoraciones Ver perfil

Zurich Switzerland – Swiss Chalet Wine Cellar

Materials: White American oak, oiled
Address: Zurich, Switzerland Spec: Our customer wanted a wine cellar that would suit the style of their Swiss chalet. The glass encasement naturally showcases the pared-back wine room. Made of oak, the clean lines of the wine storage stand out against the fresh white walls and the room sits neatly next to the sauna. Capacity: Up to 566 bottles Size: 2.3m wide x 1.8m deep x 2.4m high Features: The wine room is encased within 10mm-thick, single pane glass. Oak-panelled walls match the racking and make an elegant backdrop to the room. A central feature provides an eye-catching focal point and angled acrylic rods either side further enhance the display. 24-bottle wine cubes have been incorporated below waist height to provide variety to the design, and to complement the single racking.
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