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Sorrells Custom Wine Rooms
Sorrells Custom Wine Rooms
Puntuación media: 4.8 de 5 estrellas20 valoraciones Ver perfil

Wine Cellar, European and American Oak - Hertfordshire

Spec: An old house refurbishment with a basement wine cellar planned into the renovation. The property had various ‘obstacles’ for us to overcome, including existing heating pipes and water filter systems. Sorrells designed a cabinet and cupboard system to effectively box-in the unsightly pipes and to enable the owner to access the areas when necessary. Capacity: Up to 1400 bottles Features: The standard size wine racks and scallop displays were constructed using a combination of European and American oak with a polished aluminium panel secured behind the racking and LED integral lighting. Bottles were highlighted using our acrylic displays and we constructed a bespoke sealed and veneered fire door.
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