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Inviniti Cellar Design
Inviniti Cellar Design
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas31 valoraciones Ver perfil

W. Kirkland, Washington

A beautiful wine cellar using all angles of the space available under the stairs. The squared glass door follows the ceiling lines taking the eyes to the square arch focal point at the end of the room. The Scalloped racks surrounding the picture opening were designed for magnums. A white wine cooler sits below the stone counter top. Rope lighting illuminates the high reveal wine bottle display angles around the room. The cellar racking and lighting wraps around under the staircase and includes solid diamond bins for various bottle sizes. Solid wine case storage runs along both sides of the room and a boxed wood louver covers the the climate control system located above the door. Photo taken by Inviniti Cellar Design taken by Inviniti Cellar Design
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