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Astrid Gaiser Garden Design, LLC
Astrid Gaiser Garden Design, LLC
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas18 valoraciones Ver perfil

Very drought-tolerant, low maintenance, and year-round beautiful garden

This garden was an all lawn front yard with a straight path to the front door and a driveway.The new garden is water-wise, colorful, and has a very low need for maintenance. Beautiful paving materials, artful arbors, large boulders, and very drought-tolerant plants come together to delight the owners with their beauty, setting a serene and relaxing mood and inviting them onto their front porch. Keywords: Decomposed granite, berms, sub-surface irrigation, succulents, California Native plants, Mediterranean plants, arbors, gates, flagstone path, permeable pavers driveway, boulders, mulch, slate tiles Photo Credit: Anna Maria Irion / Astrid Gaiser

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