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Imagen de bodega mediterránea de tamaño medio con suelo de cemento, botelleros de rombos y suelo gris
Sommi Wine Cellars
Sommi Wine Cellars
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas8 valoraciones Ver perfil

Tuscan Wine Cellar

When you imagine drinking an incredible glass of red wine, you might daydream of a Tuscan destination with rolling vineyard hills, stucco homes with tiled rooftops, and a breathtaking view. For our latest custom wine cellar project, we brought a bit of that Tuscan dream to Oregon, mixing polished concrete floors, rustic reclaimed wood, and gorgeous stonework to create a Tuscan-style cellar that feels right at home in the Pacific Northwest. The wine cellar features classic lighting and best-in-class wine refrigeration to complete the package. Benvenuto!
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