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Modelo de distribuidor retro de tamaño medio con paredes blancas, suelo de piedra caliza, puerta simple, puerta de vidrio, suelo gris y vigas vistas
Haven Design and Construction
Haven Design and Construction
Puntuación media: 4.8 de 5 estrellas18 valoraciones Ver perfil

Terrell Hills Mid Century Modern Project

The kitchen sink is uniquely positioned to overlook the home’s former atrium and is bathed in natural light from a modern cupola above. The original floorplan featured an enclosed glass atrium that was filled with plants where the current stairwell is located. The former atrium featured a large tree growing through it and reaching to the sky above. At some point in the home’s history, the atrium was opened up and the glass and tree were removed to make way for the stairs to the floor below. The basement floor below is adjacent to the cave under the home. You can climb into the cave through a door in the home’s mechanical room. I can safely say that I have never designed another home that had an atrium and a cave. Did I mention that this home is very special?
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