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Sentimentally Eclectic Condo

This client came to us looking for some help decorating the living/dining room and master of his new Chicago condo. Over the past few years, we have decorated most of the space together - great room, master bedroom, guest room, hallway, office, powder room and paint/wallpaper throughout. Our design was uniquely inspired by our client's sentimental and eclectic objects and art, such as the vintage Europe map in the living room, his grandmother's antique lamp and English pub sign in the office, and family airplane ephemera in the master. We added peacocks in the powder room and mixed prints in the master for a textured look unspecific to any era that flows with the rest of the home, but is definitely its own oasis. FUN FACT The whole color scheme of the office started with that antique lamp. Photography: Dustin Halleck
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