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Modelo de jardín de secano minimalista pequeño en patio con brasero y adoquines de hormigón
Native Edge Landscape
Native Edge Landscape
Puntuación media: 4.5 de 5 estrellas62 valoraciones Ver perfil

Rosedale Modern Courtyard

This duplex has a very modern aesthetic with focuses on clean lines and metal accents. However, the front courtyard was undeveloped and uninviting. We worked with the client to tie the courtyard and the property together by adding clean, monochromatic details with a heavy focus on texture. The main goal of this project was to add a low-maintenance outdoor living space that was an extension of the home. The small space and harsh sun exposure limited the plant pallet, but we were able to use lush plant material to maximize the space. A monochromatic pallet makes for a perfect backdrop for focal points and key pieces. The circular fire-pit was used to break up the 90 degree angles of the space, and also played off the round pottery.

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Monica Martinez se ha añadido esto a Monica's Ideas 6 de julio de 2023

Tiered plants

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