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Foto de jardín de secano contemporáneo en patio delantero con adoquines de hormigón

Private Residence - Del Mar, CA

In-Site is pleased to announce that one of our residential projects in Del Mar, California was chosen as "Home of the Year" by San Diego Home/ Garden Lifestyles magazine and was published in their February 2012 issue. "I like the way this house sits in its context, packing in a lot of livability without overpowering its neighbors," says Homes of the Year judge Ted Smith. "There's a beautiful continuous flow of spaces. Nothing is overdone." Repeated shapes, patterns and materials bring continuity. Rounded pebbles lend interest to the curved exterior walk and are brought to the interior, in a smaller version, on the shower floor. Sustainable Landscape The site features primarily low-water use/ low maintenance plantings, drip irrigation, and a weather-based irrigation control system. Artificial turf was used as a "green" roof over the subterranean garage. The turf serves as a recreational amenity for the family while adhering to the tight height restrictions on that part of the site. Team: Architect: Heather Johnston, AIA Heather Johnston Architect 858-793-1222 Builder: Thomas Erickson Hulton Development, Inc. 858-842-1939 Landscape Contractor: Danny DiMento Buena Vista Landscaping 760-231-5049

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