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Diseño de jardín clásico renovado con adoquines de hormigón
DDLA Design Landscape Architecture
DDLA Design Landscape Architecture
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas24 valoraciones Ver perfil


Completed in 2019, this old school Tudor style home underwent a refreshing update to create a clean transitional style residence and completely new presence on the street. The previous front yard was tight and over planted and offered no parking for the owner or guests. The owner asked DDLA Design to create an all new front entry to provide a more welcoming entry experience with new parking areas. To do this, we introduced a low stone retaining wall in the front yard to create a defined, circular driveway that provided a comfortable parking and turning radius for an estate of this scale. The front driveway used a combination of decorative pavers to create interesting patterns and borders to compliment the stone used on the entry steps and caps. The front landscaping and planting areas were simplified using lower and more ornamental plantings to provide accents of color and evergreen background. Additional decorative urns were used to frame and accent the entry steps to the side garden and front door.
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