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Annie Santulli Designs
Annie Santulli Designs
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas97 valoraciones Ver perfil

Palm Beach Tropical Paradise Glamor

Complete redesign of this traditional golf course estate to create a tropical paradise with glitz and glam. The client's quirky personality is displayed throughout the residence through contemporary elements and modern art pieces that are blended with traditional architectural features. Gold and brass finishings were used to convey their sparkling charm. And, tactile fabrics were chosen to accent each space so that visitors will keep their hands busy. The outdoor space was transformed into a tropical resort complete with kitchen, dining area and orchid filled pool space with waterfalls. Photography by Luxhunters Productions

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Codename Ace se ha añadido esto a Codename's Ideas 28 de marzo de 2022

I love the space, the utilization of furniture and seating. Beautiful view and access to it is a plus as well.

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