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Colorworks Landscape Design
Colorworks Landscape Design
Puntuación media: 4.5 de 5 estrellas8 valoraciones Ver perfil

Orange, CA Modern Remodel

We are thrilled to present our recently completed landscape remodel project in the vibrant city of Orange, California. This modern and stunning transformation perfectly marries contemporary aesthetics with functional outdoor living. With a price range of $35,000 - $40,000, our team has orchestrated an impressive array of features that have revitalized the entire space. Project Highlights: 1. Comprehensive Demolition and Site Preparation: The project began with the meticulous removal of existing concrete and decomposed granite, setting the stage for a fresh canvas. Clearing the site was a crucial step to lay the foundation for the envisioned modern oasis. 2. Thoughtful Irrigation System: We designed and installed a state-of-the-art irrigation system that not only ensures the lushness of the landscape but also conserves water through efficient distribution methods. This sustainable approach aligns with the modern ethos of the project. 3. Contemporary Concrete Walkways and Driveway: The landscape now boasts brand-new poured concrete walkways and a driveway, exuding modern elegance. The sleek lines and minimalistic design of the concrete elements harmonize seamlessly with the overall aesthetic. 4. Luxurious Synthetic Turf: To introduce a touch of verdant luxury without the maintenance requirements, we installed high-quality synthetic turf. Its evergreen allure adds a refreshing contrast against the hardscape elements. 5. Bountiful Flora and Fauna: Carefully curated plants and trees have been strategically placed to add depth, color, and texture to the landscape. This selection of vegetation creates a dynamic environment that evolves with the changing seasons. 6. Reimagined Decomposed Granite Areas: The introduction of new decomposed granite areas not only complements the modern design but also adds a natural element to the landscape. This material harmonizes beautifully with the surroundings, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal. 7. Subtle Landscape Lighting: Landscape lighting has been thoughtfully incorporated to illuminate the space during the evening hours. This subtle and strategic lighting transforms the landscape into a captivating visual delight after sunset. 8. Refreshed Wood Fence: To frame the space with a touch of warmth, the wood fence has been sanded and re-stained. This careful restoration preserves the natural charm of the fence while seamlessly aligning it with the contemporary redesign. In conclusion, our recently completed landscape remodel in Orange, CA stands as a testament to the harmonious fusion of modern design, functionality, and natural beauty. With a budget of $35,000 - $40,000, we've transformed an ordinary outdoor area into an extraordinary modern sanctuary. This project showcases our commitment to crafting outdoor spaces that not only reflect our clients' vision but also elevate their quality of life.

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