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Ejemplo de camino de jardín retro pequeño en patio delantero con exposición parcial al sol y adoquines de piedra natural
Mark S. Garff, Landscape Architect
Mark S. Garff, Landscape Architect
Puntuación media: 4.9 de 5 estrellas12 valoraciones Ver perfil

Mid Century Courtyard Remodel

Already partially enclosed by an ipe fence and concrete wall, our client had a vision of an outdoor courtyard for entertaining on warm summer evenings since the space would be shaded by the house in the afternoon. He imagined the space with a water feature, lighting and paving surrounded by plants. With our marching orders in place, we drew up a schematic plan quickly and met to review two options for the space. These options quickly coalesced and combined into a single vision for the space. A thick, 60” tall concrete wall would enclose the opening to the street – creating privacy and security, and making a bold statement. We knew the gate had to be interesting enough to stand up to the large concrete walls on either side, so we designed and had custom fabricated by Dennis Schleder (www.dennisschleder.com) a beautiful, visually dynamic metal gate. Other touches include drought tolerant planting, bluestone paving with pebble accents, crushed granite paving, LED accent lighting, and outdoor furniture. Both existing trees were retained and are thriving with their new soil. Photography by: http://www.coreenschmidt.com/

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Anna Hubbell-Petang se ha añadido esto a Hacienda Style Entry 21 de enero de 2024

How inviting!

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