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Imagen de escalera exterior mediterránea
Eldorado Stone
Eldorado Stone
Puntuación media: 4.4 de 5 estrellas42 valoraciones Ver perfil

Mediterranean Stone Stairway

“This design originated with the client’s desire to duplicate the warmth of Tuscan Architecture,” says Stolz. “The vision that South Coast Architects set forth was to create the feel of an old Tuscan Village as a private residence at their golf community, ‘The Hideaway’ in La Quinta, California. However, we had to keep in mind that we were still designing for a desert lifestyle, which meant an emphasis on indoor/outdoor living and capturing the spectacular views of the golf course and neighboring mountains,” Stolz adds. “The owners had spent a lot of time in Europe and knew exactly what they wanted when it came to the overall look of the home, especially the stone,” says Muth. “The mason ended up creating a dozen mock-ups of various stone profiles and blends to help the family decide what really worked for them. Ultimately, they selected Eldorado Stone’s Orchard Cypress Ridge profile that offers a beautiful blend of stone sizes and colors.” “The generous use of Eldorado Stone with brick detailing over the majority of the exterior of the home added the authenticity and timelessness that we were striving for in the design,” says Stolz. “Our clients want the very best, but if we can duplicate something and save money, what client would say no? That’s why we use Eldorado Stone whenever we can. It gives us the opportunity to save money and gives clients exactly the look they desire so we can use more of their budget in other areas.” Stolz explained that Eldorado Stone was also brought into the interior to continue that feel of authenticity and historical accuracy. Stone is used floor to ceiling in the kitchen for a pizza oven, as well as on the fireplace in the Great Room and on an entire wall in the master bedroom. “Using a material like Eldorado Stone allows for the seamless continuation of space” says Stolz. “Stone is what made the house so authentic-looking” says Muth. “It’s such an integral part of the house that it either was going to be a make or break scenario if we made the wrong choice. Luckily, Eldorado Stone really made it!” Eldorado Stone Profile Featured: Orchard Cypress Ridge with a khaki grout color (overgrout technique) Eldorado Brick Profile Featured: Cassis ModenaBrick with a khaki grout color (overgrout technique) Architect: South Coast Architects Website: www.southcoastarchitects.com Builder: Andrew Pierce Corporation, Palm Desert, CA Website: www. andrewpiercecorp.com Mason: RAS Masonry, Inc. Bob Serna, Corona, CA Phone: 760-774-0090 Photography: Eric Figge Photography, Inc.

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