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Foto de jardín tradicional extra grande
Joanne Green Landscape & Interior
Joanne Green Landscape & Interior
Puntuación media: 4.8 de 5 estrellas4 valoraciones Ver perfil

Longueville Project

The Longueville Garden is one of our most cherished landscape design, construction and maintenance projects, and one that we have been captivated by and engaged with since 2008. When the clients of the Sydney property approached Joanne Green Landscape & Interior, they were already well underway with substantial renovations to the heritage-classified home and were seeking a beautifully formed and finished landscape to complete the property. The brief included creating a new entry, access pathways around the home and a lawn terrace. The gardens were to wrap the house in foliage providing privacy and year-round seasonal change, while maintaining the charm of the site. Pathways were finished in a combination of brick pavers and diamond-sawn sandstone to complement the heritage property, while a plant palette of exotics was chosen to create a lush and leafy outlook from each area of the home. Since completing the project, our team of qualified horticulturists have regularly maintained the expansive garden; from pruning shrubs and hedges, weeding garden beds and maintaining lawns to adding fertiliser, mulch and additional plants on an as-needed basis.

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