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Dan Rak Design
Dan Rak Design
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas36 valoraciones Ver perfil

Lakeview New Construction Single Family Home

Our clients came to us while they were in the process of purchasing a new construction single family home in Chicago's Lakeview neighborhood. In addition to moving, they were also expecting their first child within a period of three months. Our mission was to create a chic, tailored home worthy of our stylish clients, but that would also function as a comfortable family home. It also needed to be complete before the new baby arrived. We went to work selecting furnishings, fixtures and finishes from a mix of quick-ship and custom sources. We completed the project on time and on budget and our clients were able to bring their first born home to a warm and welcoming space that is, at the same time, cool and sophisticated.

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