579 ideas para recibidores y pasillos con boiserie
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Coppertree Homes
View from garages through mud hall, which includes a bench and cubbies, plus family command space. The flooring is a gorgeous thin brick laid herringbone style.
Марина Макарова
Diseño de recibidores y pasillos tradicionales renovados de tamaño medio con paredes beige, suelo beige, bandeja y boiserie
My Bespoke Room
This hallway was a bland white and empty box and now it's sophistication personified! The new herringbone flooring replaced the illogically placed carpet so now it's an easily cleanable surface for muddy boots and muddy paws from the owner's small dogs. The black-painted bannisters cleverly made the room feel bigger by disguising the staircase in the shadows. Not to mention the gorgeous wainscotting that gives the room a traditional feel that fits perfectly with the disguised shaker-style storage under the stairs.
Надежда Жиленкова
Вид на прихожую из гостиной
Diseño de recibidores y pasillos actuales de tamaño medio con paredes beige, suelo de madera oscura, suelo marrón y boiserie
Diseño de recibidores y pasillos actuales de tamaño medio con paredes beige, suelo de madera oscura, suelo marrón y boiserie
Александра Сакмарова
Modelo de recibidores y pasillos actuales de tamaño medio con paredes grises, suelo laminado, suelo marrón, boiserie y iluminación
Ferrari Design 3.6.0
L'obbiettivo principale di questo progetto è stato quello di trasformare un ingresso anonimo ampio e dispersivo, con molte porte e parti non sfruttate.
La soluzione trovata ha sostituito completamente la serie di vecchie porte con una pannellatura decorativa che integra anche una capiente armadiatura.
Gli oltre sette metri di ingresso giocano ora un ruolo da protagonisti ed appaiono come un'estensione del ambiente giorno.
Angie Amato Wieland Architecture LLC
What an amazing transformation that took place on this original 1100 sf kit house, and what an enjoyable project for a friend of mine! This Woodlawn remodel was a complete overhaul of the original home, maximizing every square inch of space. The home is now a 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with a large living room, dining room, kitchen, guest bedroom, and a master bedroom with walk-in closet. While still a way off from retiring, the owner wanted to make this her forever home, with accessibility and aging-in-place in mind. The design took cues from the owner's antique furniture, and bold colors throughout create a vibrant space.
Shamanth Patil Photography
Modelo de recibidores y pasillos actuales grandes con parades naranjas, suelo de baldosas de porcelana, suelo multicolor, madera y boiserie
Vermont Plank Flooring
This lovely Pennsylvania home used 10″ Face, Engineered Select Walnut Plank Flooring throughout the entire first and second floor. Finished onsite with an oil-based, satin-sheen finish.
Flooring: Select Walnut Flooring in 10″ Widths
Finish: Vermont Plank Flooring Weston Finish
Photos by Julie Livingston
D+R Architettura
Scorcio suggestivo con fondo in carta da parati e libreria ad incasso nella parete
Modelo de recibidores y pasillos actuales de tamaño medio con paredes azules, suelo de piedra caliza, suelo blanco, bandeja y boiserie
Modelo de recibidores y pasillos actuales de tamaño medio con paredes azules, suelo de piedra caliza, suelo blanco, bandeja y boiserie
Great Rooms Building Group
Diseño de recibidores y pasillos extra grandes con paredes beige, suelo de madera en tonos medios, suelo marrón y boiserie
Everlong Constructions
Imagen de recibidores y pasillos contemporáneos de tamaño medio con paredes blancas, suelo de madera clara, suelo beige y boiserie
Mihaly Slocombe
Twin Peaks House is a vibrant extension to a grand Edwardian homestead in Kensington.
Originally built in 1913 for a wealthy family of butchers, when the surrounding landscape was pasture from horizon to horizon, the homestead endured as its acreage was carved up and subdivided into smaller terrace allotments. Our clients discovered the property decades ago during long walks around their neighbourhood, promising themselves that they would buy it should the opportunity ever arise.
Many years later the opportunity did arise, and our clients made the leap. Not long after, they commissioned us to update the home for their family of five. They asked us to replace the pokey rear end of the house, shabbily renovated in the 1980s, with a generous extension that matched the scale of the original home and its voluminous garden.
Our design intervention extends the massing of the original gable-roofed house towards the back garden, accommodating kids’ bedrooms, living areas downstairs and main bedroom suite tucked away upstairs gabled volume to the east earns the project its name, duplicating the main roof pitch at a smaller scale and housing dining, kitchen, laundry and informal entry. This arrangement of rooms supports our clients’ busy lifestyles with zones of communal and individual living, places to be together and places to be alone.
The living area pivots around the kitchen island, positioned carefully to entice our clients' energetic teenaged boys with the aroma of cooking. A sculpted deck runs the length of the garden elevation, facing swimming pool, borrowed landscape and the sun. A first-floor hideout attached to the main bedroom floats above, vertical screening providing prospect and refuge. Neither quite indoors nor out, these spaces act as threshold between both, protected from the rain and flexibly dimensioned for either entertaining or retreat.
Galvanised steel continuously wraps the exterior of the extension, distilling the decorative heritage of the original’s walls, roofs and gables into two cohesive volumes. The masculinity in this form-making is balanced by a light-filled, feminine interior. Its material palette of pale timbers and pastel shades are set against a textured white backdrop, with 2400mm high datum adding a human scale to the raked ceilings. Celebrating the tension between these design moves is a dramatic, top-lit 7m high void that slices through the centre of the house. Another type of threshold, the void bridges the old and the new, the private and the public, the formal and the informal. It acts as a clear spatial marker for each of these transitions and a living relic of the home’s long history.
Cummings Architecture + Interiors
Modelo de recibidores y pasillos campestres de tamaño medio con boiserie
Татьяна Вакуева | Abwarten!
Декоративный свет и крупноформатный керамогранит под оникс создают торжественную атмосферу в небольшом коридоре
Ejemplo de recibidores y pasillos clásicos renovados pequeños con paredes azules, suelo de madera oscura, suelo marrón y boiserie
Ejemplo de recibidores y pasillos clásicos renovados pequeños con paredes azules, suelo de madera oscura, suelo marrón y boiserie
Anne Chemineau - Decor Interieur
Un appartement familial haussmannien rénové, aménagé et agrandi avec la création d'un espace parental suite à la réunion de deux lots. Les fondamentaux classiques des pièces sont conservés et revisités tout en douceur avec des matériaux naturels et des couleurs apaisantes.
Sheila Rich Interiors, LLC
This entry hall introduces the visitor to the sophisticated ambiance of the home. The area is enriched with millwork and the custom wool runner adds warmth. Three dimensional contemporary art adds wow and an eclectic contrast.
Meek Temple Contracting
A display of absolute elegance!
With a simple and classic theme, the trim installation design brings this hallway space alive! Giving a complimentary aspect to the lighting, flooring and coffer ceiling.
Dressing Ô Logis - Agencement intérieur sur mesure
Ne négligez pas l'espace buanderie ! Ce n’est certes pas le sujet le plus glamour qui soit, mais un coin machines bien aménagé, c’est un gain de place et surtout, un pas énorme vers une bonne organisation à la maison. Nous avons accompagner la décoratrice afin de réaliser l’aménagement sur mesure qu'elle avait imaginée dans l'espace de circulation cage d'escalier qui relie deux appartements en duplex situé à Montmartre, dans le 18e arrondissement.
Photographe : @imapassion
579 ideas para recibidores y pasillos con boiserie