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316 ideas para galerías asiáticas

Bethesda - Cathedral Sunroom
Bethesda - Cathedral Sunroom
Maryland SunroomsMaryland Sunrooms
Foto de galería asiática de tamaño medio sin chimenea con suelo de madera en tonos medios
Bedfordale House
Bedfordale House
Suzanne Hunt ArchitectSuzanne Hunt Architect
Modelo de galería de estilo zen grande con techo con claraboya
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Indoor Koi Pond
Indoor Koi Pond
Barlo & Associates, Architects, LLC.Barlo & Associates, Architects, LLC.
Paul Barlo
Modelo de galería asiática grande
Custom Paneled Room
Custom Paneled Room
Birdie Miller DesignsBirdie Miller Designs
Foto de galería de estilo zen de tamaño medio sin chimenea con suelo de madera clara y techo estándar
The Residences at The Ritz-Carlton, Dove Mountain 85
The Residences at The Ritz-Carlton, Dove Mountain 85
Dove Mountain HomesDove Mountain Homes
Robin Stancliff
Ejemplo de galería asiática pequeña sin chimenea con techo estándar
Chinese Style Reading Nook with Daybed
Chinese Style Reading Nook with Daybed
China Furniture and ArtsChina Furniture and Arts
A comfy and airy space to relax and read. The traditional Chinese style daybed is fitted with a comfy silk cushion and pillows. The hand painted floor screen adds an element of ambiance tying together the Asian theme of the space.
株式会社 横山建設株式会社 横山建設
Imagen de galería asiática con suelo de madera en tonos medios y suelo marrón
Florida Catio renovation
Florida Catio renovation
Square PawsSquare Paws
Mario Arbore
Ejemplo de galería de estilo zen con techo de vidrio
Sunroom with Asian influences
Sunroom with Asian influences
This asian-inspired sunroom addition features all glass walls and ceiling for unbeatable views, indoor water feature, eating area, and ceramic tile floor
Serangoon North
Serangoon North
The homeowners of this HDB maisonette flat in Serangoon are an outgoing couple who wanted a home designed to be able to host large gatherings and cell groups comfortably. Hu Wen and Mei Ying designed an open plan combining the living, balcony, dining and open kitchen into a single contiguous space. A small yard was created at where the back of the wet kitchen used to be and, cleverly located behind the new open kitchen, it is where the couple is able to keep their unsightly laundry hidden away while entertaining guests. In this way, the social and service areas on the first storey are kept neatly separated, making it always ready for hosting! The homeowners are also passionate foodies! They love exploring new cafes and restaurants around our island, so the designers transformed their balcony into their very own "cafe"! A glass canopy, wooden trellis and fairy lights transform the space into a great spot for brunch during the day or romantic candlelight dinner at night. This project was done in collaboration with Bezelel's Craftsmen.
Folding Doors
Folding Doors
Conservatory CraftsmenConservatory Craftsmen
Conservatory Craftsmen offers Folding Doors!
Modelo de galería asiática extra grande sin chimenea con suelo de madera en tonos medios y suelo marrón
Connectiut Beachside Retreat
Connectiut Beachside Retreat
Uccello Development, LLCUccello Development, LLC
Diseño de galería asiática de tamaño medio con suelo de baldosas de cerámica y techo estándar
Shoji screens lead to kitchen
Shoji screens lead to kitchen
This asian-inspired addition is located off of the kitchen, features include ceramic tile, shoji screen entry, koi pond, insulated glass, and separate HVAC system

316 ideas para galerías asiáticas

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