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19.197 ideas para fachadas de casas con revestimiento de ladrillo

Somerland Way
Somerland Way
Thompson Custom HomesThompson Custom Homes
Ejemplo de fachada de casa blanca clásica renovada de dos plantas con revestimiento de ladrillo y tejado a dos aguas
J Steven Kemp ArchitectJ Steven Kemp Architect
Imagen de fachada de casa beige tradicional de tamaño medio de tres plantas con revestimiento de ladrillo y tejado de teja de madera
Modern European Residence
Modern European Residence
Deep River PartnersDeep River Partners
The front entry is unapologetically elegant, utilizing minimalized details balanced with soft curves to maintain a modern, comfortable approach to a formal home. Dark accents contrast the light brick and stone for a warm modern impression. Granite pavers provide a historic European feel, while the smooth saw-cut edges are strict enough to introduce the modern patterns seen throughout the home. The steeply pitched roof descends to the first story level, grounding the archway to the front door at a human scale to create a welcoming experience, with a glimpse of landscape and mature trees beyond.
Countryside luxury
Countryside luxury
Modelo de fachada de casa marrón clásica de dos plantas con revestimiento de ladrillo y tejado a cuatro aguas
Charming Cape Cod
Charming Cape Cod
Meadowlark Design+BuildMeadowlark Design+Build
The exterior of this home has been transformed with a redesign of the front portico and the small dormer to the right. This whole-home remodel and addition was designed and built by Meadowlark Design + Build in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Photos by Sean Carter.
The 15 Degree Hosue
The 15 Degree Hosue
Studio H DesignStudio H Design
Imagen de fachada de casa negra y negra minimalista de tamaño medio de una planta con revestimiento de ladrillo, tejado a dos aguas, tejado de metal y panel y listón
White Brick French Inspired Home in Jacksonville
White Brick French Inspired Home in Jacksonville
White Brick French Inspired Home in Jacksonville, Florida. Featuring Bevolo Lanterns.
Imagen de fachada de casa blanca grande de dos plantas con revestimiento de ladrillo y tejado de teja de madera
Bailey House
Bailey House
Concept 8 ArchitectsConcept 8 Architects
Rear extension, photo by David Butler
Foto de fachada de casa roja clásica renovada de tamaño medio de dos plantas con revestimiento de ladrillo, tejado a cuatro aguas y tejado de teja de barro
Edge Hill Project
Edge Hill Project
Natural Selections LLCNatural Selections LLC
Front exterior of the Edge Hill Project.
Ejemplo de fachada de casa blanca tradicional renovada de dos plantas con revestimiento de ladrillo y tejado de teja de madera
Bi-Fold Doors
Bi-Fold Doors
Croydon Window Company LtdCroydon Window Company Ltd
Modelo de fachada de casa marrón actual grande de tres plantas con revestimiento de ladrillo
Modern Craftsman
Modern Craftsman
Jonathan Miller ArchitectsJonathan Miller Architects
Ejemplo de fachada de casa gris de estilo americano de dos plantas con revestimiento de ladrillo, tejado de varios materiales y tejado a dos aguas
Nashville | Green Hills
Nashville | Green Hills
design by Christina Perrydesign by Christina Perry
Imagen de fachada de casa blanca y marrón clásica renovada grande de dos plantas con revestimiento de ladrillo, tejado a cuatro aguas y tejado de teja de madera
Keyes Road
Keyes Road
Keyes Road is a two-storey, semi-detached red brick house dating to around 1890-1910. The focus of our work was on the ground floor where we were asked to improve the layout and use of the main living areas of the house, for an active family of four. Important to the design was to maximise the quality and amount of light as well as connection to the garden and flow to the rest of the house. Our proposal introduces three single storey extensions, comprising a central, large space that extends the main outrigger of the house. To each side are smaller volumes, affording a full width kitchen. While defining a series of discrete volumes, it was important for us to ensure that the kitchen, living, family and dining rooms that are interconnecting and continuous. The result is a big space punctuated by a series of differently sized arches, defining spaces to ensure their intimacy. It was important for our client to have a sense of warmth and comfort - perhaps not dissimilar to the qualities of a hotel lobby. The colour scheme of the rooms are warm white painted plaster, natural wood flooring with black, bronze and brass accents. Indirect and carefully placed light fittings pulls together the atmosphere of the rooms - particularly in the evenings. Externally, we felt it important to differentiate the extensions from the main house by using a dark, charcoal grey brick. This sets up a contrasting yet complimentary relationship to the rich red coloured brick house. The facets of the brick play with light and depth as do the graduated brick arches. During the design process, we grappled with floor levels, the direction of sunlight, and care to not encroach on the neighbouring properties. As the house is in a conservation area, we worked closely with our trusted planning advisor. Throughout, we pursued a sensitive design strategy, using pitched roofs, matching materials and careful detailing. Internally, many of the original details are intact. This has enabled us to create an eclectic ensemble of elements, colours and materials varying in age and period.
308 Wonderwood by Pike Properties - Charlotte Custom Home Builder
308 Wonderwood by Pike Properties - Charlotte Custom Home Builder
Pike PropertiesPike Properties
This exterior showcases a beautiful blend of creamy white and taupe colors on brick. The color scheme exudes a timeless elegance, creating a sophisticated and inviting façade. One of the standout features is the striking angles on the roofline, adding a touch of architectural interest and modern flair to the design. The windows not only enhance the overall aesthetics but also offer picturesque views and a sense of openness.
Stucco and Painted Brick Transitional Style
Stucco and Painted Brick Transitional Style
Wyrick Residential DesignWyrick Residential Design
Foto de fachada de casa blanca tradicional renovada grande de dos plantas con revestimiento de ladrillo, tejado a cuatro aguas y tejado de varios materiales
LJJ - Longview, TX
LJJ - Longview, TX
tbj designtbj design
Front Approach ||| We were involved with many aspects of this newly constructed 8,400 sq ft (under roof) home including: comprehensive construction documents; interior details, drawings and specifications; custom power & lighting; schematic site planning; client & builder communications. ||| Home and interior design by: Harry J Crouse Design Inc ||| Photo by: Harry J Crouse Design Inc ||| Builder: Classic Homes by Sam Clark
Classic Elegant Style House
Classic Elegant Style House
I For StyleI For Style
The beautifully appointed granny flat at the back of the main house is a great solution for extended family, in this case for their adult daughter.
Modelo de fachada de casa negra clásica renovada grande con revestimiento de ladrillo, tejado a cuatro aguas y tejado de metal
Side and Back Door Porticos
Side and Back Door Porticos
Georgia Front PorchGeorgia Front Porch
Bracket portico for side door of house. The roof features a shed style metal roof. Designed and built by Georgia Front Porch.
Foto de fachada de casa naranja clásica pequeña con revestimiento de ladrillo, tejado de un solo tendido y tejado de metal
Robinhood Residence
Robinhood Residence
Clark Richardson ArchitectsClark Richardson Architects
Lush trees interact with the house's white brick facade, creating a dynamic contrast.
Ejemplo de fachada de casa blanca actual grande de dos plantas con revestimiento de ladrillo, tejado a dos aguas y tejado de metal
Elegant Haven
Elegant Haven
Foto de fachada de casa blanca y gris clásica renovada de una planta con revestimiento de ladrillo, tejado a dos aguas y tejado de teja de madera

19.197 ideas para fachadas de casas con revestimiento de ladrillo

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