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78 ideas para aseos con puertas de armario naranjas

Wow! Coral Powder Bath!
Wow! Coral Powder Bath!
Wow! Pop of modern art in this traditional home! Coral color lacquered sink vanity compliments the home's original Sherle Wagner gilded greek key sink. What a treasure to be able to reuse this treasure of a sink! Lucite and gold play a supporting role to this amazing wallpaper! Powder Room favorite! Photographer Misha Hettie. Wallpaper is 'Arty' from Pierre Frey. Find details and sources for this bath in this feature story linked here: https://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/90312718/list/colorful-confetti-wallpaper-makes-for-a-cheerful-powder-room
Powder Bath Wow!
Powder Bath Wow!
Wow! Pop of modern art in this traditional home! Coral color lacquered sink vanity compliments the home's original Sherle Wagner gilded greek key sink. What a treasure to be able to reuse this treasure of a sink! Lucite and gold play a supporting role to this amazing wallpaper! Powder Room favorite! Photographer Misha Hettie. Wallpaper is 'Arty' from Pierre Frey. Find details and sources for this bath in this feature story linked here: https://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/90312718/list/colorful-confetti-wallpaper-makes-for-a-cheerful-powder-room
Upper West Side Duplex Combination - powder room
Upper West Side Duplex Combination - powder room
Ben HerzogBen Herzog
Ejemplo de aseo de pie tradicional renovado pequeño con armarios estilo shaker, puertas de armario naranjas, paredes azules, lavabo bajoencimera, encimera de cuarcita, encimeras grises y papel pintado
Oceanfront LEED Silver Home
Oceanfront LEED Silver Home
George Penniman Architects, LLCGeorge Penniman Architects, LLC
Warren Jagger Photography
Imagen de aseo marinero con lavabo sobreencimera, armarios tipo mueble, puertas de armario naranjas y encimeras grises
Studio D
Studio D
Studio D - Danielle WallingerStudio D - Danielle Wallinger
This getaway for the urban elite is a bold re-interpretation of the classic cabin paradigm. Located atop the San Francisco Peaks the space pays homage to the surroundings by accenting the natural beauty with industrial influenced pieces and finishes that offer a retrospective on western lifestyle. Recently completed, the design focused on furniture and fixtures with some emphasis on lighting and bathroom updates. The character of the space reflected the client's renowned personality and connection with the western lifestyle. Mixing modern interpretations of classic pieces with textured finishes the design encapsulates the new direction of western.
Kinley Residence
Kinley Residence
2Scale Architects2Scale Architects
Benjamin Hill Photography
Diseño de aseo tradicional con paredes multicolor, puertas de armario naranjas y encimeras grises
マンションのLDKリフォーム SGさんのお宅
マンションのLDKリフォーム SGさんのお宅
LiB contentsLiB contents
Modelo de aseo a medida actual con armarios con paneles lisos, puertas de armario naranjas, baldosas y/o azulejos beige, baldosas y/o azulejos en mosaico, paredes blancas, suelo de madera en tonos medios, lavabo sobreencimera, suelo marrón y encimeras beige
Del Monte
Del Monte
Chandos CollectiveChandos Collective
Imagen de aseo clásico renovado con armarios tipo mueble, puertas de armario naranjas, paredes multicolor, suelo de madera oscura, lavabo bajoencimera, suelo marrón y encimeras blancas
Lake Whatcom Log Home Remodel
Lake Whatcom Log Home Remodel
Austin-Murphy DesignAustin-Murphy Design
This new guest bath was created from square footage that had been a former three fixture bath; the remaining space was added to the master bath to enlarge it which was updated it with new fixtures and amenities Rob Austin-Murphy photo
Family Farmhouse
Family Farmhouse
Alexandra Rae DesignAlexandra Rae Design
Porch powder bath by Los Angeles interior designer Alexandra Rae. Ceiling and walls are papered in Thibaut wallcovering. Cabinet is painted in Farrow and Ball's Charlotte's Locks. Faucet is Perrin and Rowe. Mirror was custom designed by Alexandra Rae.
A rental Bungalow reconfiguration and remodel in Silverlake
A rental Bungalow reconfiguration and remodel in Silverlake
Metropolis Drafting and Construction IncMetropolis Drafting and Construction Inc
A Lovely 1100 sq. bungalow in the heart of Silverlake stood untouched for almost half a century. This home as built was a 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom with a good size living room. Client purchased it for the sake of turning it into a rental property. With a few good internal twists and space planning we converted this little bungalow into a full blown 3bed + 2.5 bath with a master suite. All of this without adding even 1 square inch to the building. Kitchen was moved to a more central location; a portion of a closet was converted into a powder room and the old utility room/laundry was turned into the master bathroom.
Colorful Powder Bath
Colorful Powder Bath
Paper Moon PaintingPaper Moon Painting
Fabulous design by Bradshaw Designs, San Antonio!
Imagen de aseo ecléctico con puertas de armario naranjas y encimera de mármol
Northshore Lakehouse
Northshore Lakehouse
Kristina Crestin DesignKristina Crestin Design
Modelo de aseo marinero con puertas de armario naranjas, sanitario de dos piezas, paredes multicolor, lavabo bajoencimera, suelo gris y encimeras grises
Bouldin Pied-Á-Terre
Bouldin Pied-Á-Terre
Ashby CollectiveAshby Collective
Modelo de aseo a medida contemporáneo pequeño con armarios con paneles lisos, puertas de armario naranjas, paredes beige, lavabo encastrado, encimera de mármol y encimeras beige
Chalet De Sept-Formal Powder Room
Chalet De Sept-Formal Powder Room
Alise O'Brien
Foto de aseo tradicional de tamaño medio con armarios con paneles lisos, lavabo bajoencimera, encimera de mármol, encimeras blancas, suelo de madera en tonos medios, suelo marrón y puertas de armario naranjas
Chic Chicago Townhouse
Chic Chicago Townhouse
Amber Golob InteriorsAmber Golob Interiors
Ejemplo de aseo de pie clásico renovado pequeño con puertas de armario naranjas, sanitario de una pieza, paredes grises, suelo de madera clara, lavabo tipo consola, encimera de cuarzo compacto y encimeras negras
Мужская квартира 60 м2
Мужская квартира 60 м2
Надежда ПоляковаНадежда Полякова
Foto de aseo contemporáneo con armarios con paneles lisos, puertas de armario naranjas, suelo de terrazo, lavabo sobreencimera, suelo gris y encimeras blancas
Colorful Powder Bath
Colorful Powder Bath
Paper Moon PaintingPaper Moon Painting
Fabulous design by Bradshaw Designs, San Antonio! We painted this vanity in custom orange lacquer specified by Bradshaw Designs.
Ejemplo de aseo bohemio con puertas de armario naranjas y encimera de mármol
Екатерина и Андрей Санниковы | ScandinaviЕкатерина и Андрей Санниковы | Scandinavi
Foto de aseo flotante contemporáneo pequeño con armarios con paneles lisos, puertas de armario naranjas, sanitario de pared, baldosas y/o azulejos negros, baldosas y/o azulejos de cerámica, paredes negras, suelo de baldosas de porcelana, lavabo sobreencimera, encimera de madera, suelo marrón, encimeras beige, papel pintado y panelado
Александра СакмароваАлександра Сакмарова
Ejemplo de aseo actual pequeño con armarios con paneles lisos, puertas de armario naranjas, sanitario de una pieza, baldosas y/o azulejos blancos, baldosas y/o azulejos de cerámica, paredes blancas, suelo de baldosas de cerámica y suelo multicolor

78 ideas para aseos con puertas de armario naranjas

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