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Modelo de jardín actual en verano en ladera con adoquines de piedra natural
Stout Design Build Inc.
Stout Design Build Inc.
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas20 valoraciones Ver perfil


Flagstone stepping stones with ground cover between. For natural landscaping that brings beauty to your home or business, contact the professionals at Stout Design-Build, where we offer you a range of landscape design and building services that are . . . "Organic. Responsible. Naturally!" Stout Design-Build is a full service designing and building firm that offers a variety of residential and commercial services. We can help you with landscape design, landscape construction, building construction, and more. Our professionals have 20 years of design experience. We work with LEED certified, Green Point Rated, and standard properties. We focus on designing you a landscape that is efficient and beautiful with natural products from plants to patios, and with the implementation of water and energy conservation. We also renovate homes and offer them up for sale, providing you with stylish living at affordable prices. Everything we do is environmentally friendly, with great craftsmanship, so you will always get the best in quality whether you need landscape design and building or one of our other services. Contact the professionals at Stout Design-Build in Los Angeles, CA to get beautiful landscape design and professional quality services. Call 310-876-1018 to set up your consultation!
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