8.211 fotos de puertas principales contemporáneas
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Foto de puerta principal actual de tamaño medio con paredes blancas, suelo de madera clara, suelo gris, puerta simple y puerta negra

With a complete gut and remodel, this home was taken from a dated, traditional style to a contemporary home with a lighter and fresher aesthetic. The interior space was organized to take better advantage of the sweeping views of Lake Michigan. Existing exterior elements were mixed with newer materials to create the unique design of the façade.
Photos done by Brian Fussell at Rangeline Real Estate Photography

Foto de puerta principal contemporánea grande con paredes negras, suelo de cemento, puerta simple, puerta negra y boiserie

Dallas & Harris Photography
Imagen de puerta principal actual grande con paredes blancas, suelo de baldosas de porcelana, puerta pivotante, puerta de madera en tonos medios y suelo gris
Imagen de puerta principal actual grande con paredes blancas, suelo de baldosas de porcelana, puerta pivotante, puerta de madera en tonos medios y suelo gris

Photo: Lisa Petrole
Imagen de puerta principal actual extra grande con suelo de baldosas de porcelana, puerta simple, puerta de madera en tonos medios, suelo gris y paredes blancas
Imagen de puerta principal actual extra grande con suelo de baldosas de porcelana, puerta simple, puerta de madera en tonos medios, suelo gris y paredes blancas

Imagen de puerta principal actual con paredes grises, suelo de cemento, puerta simple, puerta de madera en tonos medios y suelo gris

http://www.pickellbuilders.com. Front entry is a contemporary mix of glass, stone, and stucco. Gravel entry court with decomposed granite chips. Front door is African mahogany with clear glass sidelights and horizontal aluminum inserts. Photo by Paul Schlismann.

copper mango
Modelo de puerta principal contemporánea con suelo de madera en tonos medios, puerta simple y puerta de vidrio
Modelo de puerta principal contemporánea con suelo de madera en tonos medios, puerta simple y puerta de vidrio

If you're looking to enhance your modern style, a modern door is key. This Belleville door with a Sidelite and Chord Glass is what you see here, would you go for this modern door or one of our other exterior doors?
Check out more modern doors here:

This new house is located in a quiet residential neighborhood developed in the 1920’s, that is in transition, with new larger homes replacing the original modest-sized homes. The house is designed to be harmonious with its traditional neighbors, with divided lite windows, and hip roofs. The roofline of the shingled house steps down with the sloping property, keeping the house in scale with the neighborhood. The interior of the great room is oriented around a massive double-sided chimney, and opens to the south to an outdoor stone terrace and gardens. Photo by: Nat Rea Photography

A contemporary craftsman East Nashville entry featuring a dark wood front door paired with a matching upright piano and white built-in open cabinetry. Interior Designer & Photography: design by Christina Perry
design by Christina Perry | Interior Design
Nashville, TN 37214

Diseño de puerta principal contemporánea de tamaño medio con paredes grises, puerta simple, puerta negra, suelo beige y madera

Хозяин - успешный и активный молодой человек, для которого было очень важно оформить интерьер, гармонирующий с его внутренним миром. Предпочтения -холодный интерьер, но непременно с ярким цветовым акцентом. Так же важно было предусмотреть зону для игры на приставке, и хорошую аудио систему.
При перепланировке мы учитывали ритм жизни заказчика, а именно то, что в спальне он проводит не более шести часов. Долгий сон не в его правилах. Поэтому часть помещения спальни, предоставленной нам застройщиком, мы отдали под "игровую зону" гостиной, отделив ее инсталляцией с биокамином.
Но все-таки небольшую часть гостиной мы отдали гардеробной комнате. в пространство гостиной так же вписалась кухня и обеденный стол. В итоге получили большую кухню-гостиную с отдельной "игровой" зоной.

Modelo de puerta principal actual pequeña con paredes grises, suelo de baldosas de cerámica, puerta gris y suelo multicolor

This family home in a Denver neighborhood started out as a dark, ranch home from the 1950’s. We changed the roof line, added windows, large doors, walnut beams, a built-in garden nook, a custom kitchen and a new entrance (among other things). The home didn’t grow dramatically square footage-wise. It grew in ways that really count: Light, air, connection to the outside and a connection to family living.
For more information and Before photos check out my blog post: Before and After: A Ranch Home with Abundant Natural Light and Part One on this here.
Photographs by Sara Yoder. Interior Styling by Kristy Oatman.
Kitchen and Bath Design News
One Kind Design

Playful colors jump out from their white background, cozy outdoor spaces contrast with widescreen mountain panoramas, and industrial metal details find their home on light stucco facades. Elements that might at first seem contradictory have been combined into a fresh, harmonized whole. Welcome to Paradox Ranch.
Photos by: J. Walters Photography

Modelo de puerta principal contemporánea de tamaño medio con paredes blancas, suelo de madera clara, suelo beige y puerta simple

Modelo de puerta principal actual de tamaño medio con paredes blancas, suelo de madera clara, puerta doble, puerta blanca y suelo marrón
8.211 fotos de puertas principales contemporáneas