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7.756 fotos de piscinas y jacuzzis clásicos

Shaker Heights
Shaker Heights
9th Avenue Designs9th Avenue Designs
Photo by Scott Pease
Foto de piscinas y jacuzzis clásicos rectangulares en patio trasero con adoquines de hormigón
Gorgeous Glass Tile 360 Spillover Spa and lap pool
Gorgeous Glass Tile 360 Spillover Spa and lap pool
Vue Custom Pools & DesignVue Custom Pools & Design
360 Spillover Spa adjacent to this custom gunite lap and volleyball pool. Lounging ledge and specialty glass tile and glass tile grout really make this pool sparkle next to its Blue Surf Pebble Sheen interior finish.
Lake Forest Swimming Pool and Hot tub with water feature
Lake Forest Swimming Pool and Hot tub with water feature
Platinum PoolcarePlatinum Poolcare
Request Free Quote This lovely swimming pool measures 20'0" x 44'0", and is crowned on one end by a raised hot tub measuring 8'0" x 8'0". The hot tub has a sheer waterfall feature that spills onto a sunshelf equipped with bollard bubbler jets. The opposite end has a deep end and diving board. Both the swimming pool and hot tub have automatic pool safety covers with custom stone lid systems. The coping on the pool and hot tub is Indiana Limestone, and the pool decking is Bluestone. Photos by Outvision Photography.
Best of Houzz 2025: ¡Conoce a los ganadores!
Water Features
Water Features
Aurora OutdoorsAurora Outdoors
Ejemplo de piscinas y jacuzzis naturales tradicionales de tamaño medio a medida en patio trasero con adoquines de piedra natural
Lake View Cottage
Lake View Cottage
Michael Rouchell ArchitectMichael Rouchell Architect
Modelo de piscinas y jacuzzis alargados clásicos de tamaño medio rectangulares en patio trasero con adoquines de piedra natural
Lake House, Knoxville Custom Home
Lake House, Knoxville Custom Home
Modelo de piscinas y jacuzzis infinitos clásicos grandes a medida en patio trasero con adoquines de piedra natural
Wooded Backyard Oasis
Wooded Backyard Oasis
Mirror Lake DesignsMirror Lake Designs
Daniel Kelly Photography
Ejemplo de piscinas y jacuzzis clásicos de tamaño medio a medida en patio trasero con adoquines de piedra natural
Contemporary Pool Design
Contemporary Pool Design
Studio WStudio W
Diseño de piscinas y jacuzzis alargados tradicionales de tamaño medio rectangulares en patio trasero con adoquines de piedra natural
Winnetka Pool and Outdoor Living Space
Winnetka Pool and Outdoor Living Space
Rosebrook Pools, Inc.Rosebrook Pools, Inc.
Winnetka swimming pool, spa and outdoor kitchen by Rosebrook Pools. 847-362-0400 Classic swimming pool with contemporary detail. Glass tile accents pool and spa waterline, tanning ledge,and spa overflow. Laminar deck jets surround pool along with an additional raised stone water feature. The deck and coping are in Valders Limestone. The patio is equipped with a full outdoor kitchen and a pergola. The spa and kitchen use Connecticut stone veneer, and the kitchen is topped with black granite. Norman Sizemore Photography
The Joy of Plants!
The Joy of Plants!
Allin LandscapingAllin Landscaping
Instant privacy screening for swimming pool with Emerald Green Arborvitae hedge!
Imagen de piscinas y jacuzzis alargados tradicionales de tamaño medio rectangulares en patio trasero con suelo de hormigón estampado
Water Features & Fountains
Water Features & Fountains
Pool StopPool Stop
Imagen de piscinas y jacuzzis tradicionales pequeños rectangulares en patio trasero con adoquines de piedra natural
WaterColor Pool
WaterColor Pool
Alan D. Holt, A.S.L.A., Landscape ArchitectAlan D. Holt, A.S.L.A., Landscape Architect
The Client wanted a small pool and pool deck for this house in WaterColor. A neighborhood walkway runs directly behind the pool area, so the addition of privacy plantings was important.
Trinidad Pool
Trinidad Pool
Carnahan Landscaping & PoolsCarnahan Landscaping & Pools
Diseño de piscinas y jacuzzis alargados clásicos de tamaño medio rectangulares en patio trasero con adoquines de ladrillo
Houck Construction Inc.Houck Construction Inc.
Foto de piscinas y jacuzzis clásicos a medida en patio trasero con adoquines de piedra natural
Infinity Pool
Infinity Pool
Stoney Brook LandscapingStoney Brook Landscaping
Custom stone outdoor pool patio, hot tub, outdoor kitchen, staircase, walkways, patio and gardens. High end outdoor living on the southern coast of Maine.
Glen Ellyn, IL Raised Hot Tub
Glen Ellyn, IL Raised Hot Tub
Platinum PoolcarePlatinum Poolcare
Request Free Quote This hot tub which is located in Glen Ellyn, IL measures 7'0" x 10'0" and is raised above the deck level. The water depth is 3'0". The tub features 8 hydrotherapy jets, an LED color-changing light, an automatic pool safety cover, Valder's Limestone coping and natural stone veneer on the exterior walls. Photos by Larry Huene.
Our Work
Our Work
Palm Beach EnclosuresPalm Beach Enclosures
Imagen de piscinas y jacuzzis clásicos grandes interiores y a medida con adoquines de hormigón
Tennis Court Lane
Tennis Court Lane
Siciliano Landscape CompanySiciliano Landscape Company
Foto de piscinas y jacuzzis alargados clásicos extra grandes rectangulares en patio trasero con adoquines de piedra natural

7.756 fotos de piscinas y jacuzzis clásicos

Mark P. Finlay Architects, AIAMark P. Finlay Architects, AIA
Photo Credit: Warren Jagger
Diseño de piscinas y jacuzzis naturales clásicos de tamaño medio rectangulares en patio trasero con suelo de baldosas
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