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144 fotos de jardines rústicos con piedra decorativa

West Coast Resort
West Coast Resort
Pacifica Landscape Works Inc.Pacifica Landscape Works Inc.
Pacifica Landscape Works
Imagen de jardín rústico con cascada y piedra decorativa
River With Natural Rock
River With Natural Rock
Big Rock LandscapingBig Rock Landscaping
A natural river complete with waterfalls and natural river rock is a lovely addition to any backyard.
Diseño de jardín rústico en patio trasero con estanque y piedra decorativa
Backyard Retreat at Sanctuary Pointe
Backyard Retreat at Sanctuary Pointe
Accent LandscapesAccent Landscapes
An inviting front yard with a charming flagstone walkway and thoughtfully placed outdoor lighting creates a warm and welcoming ambiance at dusk, blending low-maintenance beauty with functional design in a scenic Colorado Springs neighborhood.
Best of Houzz 2025: ¡Conoce a los ganadores!
Coastal front garden, North Berwick
Coastal front garden, North Berwick
Studio MA DesignStudio MA Design
We were delighted to join forces with the owners of Rustic Hollow, when they appointed us to design the planting scheme for their new Cabin Retreat venture in Aberdeenshire. Rustic Hollow is a contemporary retreat, nestled in nature, which offers guests a tranquil place to unwind and relax. Grassy mounds were formed to define areas and provide privacy whilst a rustic timber sleeper walkway creates the main circulation through the landscape. Prairie-style planting combines grasses and hardy flowering perennials, in calming shades of blues, white and silvery-grey, were planted in swathes around the cabins to create a naturalistic softscape.
Boulder Thinking !
Boulder Thinking !
Transcending landscape within the heartbeat of Urban Uptown Charlotte, NC The tranquility of the water therapy falls calms and soothes the day falling under the start of a moonlit night.
Alderwood Landscape Architecture and ConstructionAlderwood Landscape Architecture and Construction
Diseño de jardín rústico con cascada y piedra decorativa
Houston Side Yard Makeover
Houston Side Yard Makeover
Sage Pools, Scapes & DesignSage Pools, Scapes & Design
Ejemplo de jardín de secano rústico de tamaño medio en patio lateral con jardín de macetas, exposición total al sol y piedra decorativa
Spring Beauty
Spring Beauty
FormLA LandscapingFormLA Landscaping
At the top of the trail, a Western Redbud deepens shade. It's pink blooms and seeds lift the eye from the magenta of Hummingbird Sage blooms and an expansive river-rock-filled divot, designed to help sink stormwater.
Mini Alpine Rockery
Mini Alpine Rockery
Plan-it Earth DesignPlan-it Earth Design
Rockeries are nice ways to highlight alpine plants that are small, like heat and good drainage. This one includes part of a rock collection by the homeowner
Suburban Lakeside Garden
Suburban Lakeside Garden
Springer Environmental ServicesSpringer Environmental Services
A stone feature solves an erosion problem where runoff was washing away soil. Natural limestone forms a dry creekbed that channels water into a lower area. Moss and wildflowers decorate the stones, while ferns and shade-loving plants transition the area into the edge of a wood.
Stone Stairs
Stone Stairs
Blue Bear Landscape ConstructionBlue Bear Landscape Construction
Cut basalt stone stairs, basalt boulder retaining wall, Pennsylvania bluestone walkway, planting and low maintenance rock garden.
Foto de jardín rústico en patio delantero con piedra decorativa y exposición parcial al sol
Edible Gardens
Edible Gardens
Botanica Landscape Inc.Botanica Landscape Inc.
Raised beds made of river rock create a beautiful front garden
Foto de jardín de secano rural de tamaño medio en patio delantero con macetero elevado, exposición total al sol y piedra decorativa
New Start on the Lake
New Start on the Lake
Oak Hill Farms Landscaping LLCOak Hill Farms Landscaping LLC
Ejemplo de jardín rural grande en patio lateral con privacidad, exposición reducida al sol y piedra decorativa
Water Feature
Water Feature
Canadian Timberframes LtdCanadian Timberframes Ltd
Water feature at the rear of this 9000 sq ft home.
Imagen de jardín rústico en ladera con cascada y piedra decorativa
Project | Quartz
Project | Quartz
Foto de jardín rural de tamaño medio en verano en patio trasero con jardín francés, chimenea, exposición parcial al sol, piedra decorativa y con madera
Landscape Lighting
Landscape Lighting
Blue Bear Landscape ConstructionBlue Bear Landscape Construction
Cut basalt stone stairs, Pennsylvania bluestone walkway with low maintenance river rock garden. Illuminated beautifully with landscape lighting.
Ejemplo de jardín rural en patio delantero con camino de entrada y piedra decorativa
Hllside Reno
Hllside Reno
Barski HardscapingBarski Hardscaping
Brought functionality to this side yard by adding this ledgestone step system from Unilock, natural sandstone, river rock and low maintenance planting.
Residential Backyard Installation
Residential Backyard Installation
WinterGreen Synthetic Grass LLCWinterGreen Synthetic Grass LLC
This timeless space is an ode to grandeur and historical charm, featuring intricate stonework, lush greenery, and a tranquil fire pit at its core.
Diseño de jardín rústico de tamaño medio en patio con jardín francés, roca decorativa y piedra decorativa
Redmond Foss
Redmond Foss
Alderwood Landscape Architecture and ConstructionAlderwood Landscape Architecture and Construction
Foto de jardín rústico en patio trasero con fuente y piedra decorativa

144 fotos de jardines rústicos con piedra decorativa

Garden Pebble Path With Stone Border
Garden Pebble Path With Stone Border
Daco StoneDaco Stone
Backyard garden area with stone lined pebble path and Daco Real Stone Veneer wall
Imagen de jardín rústico grande en verano en patio trasero con jardín francés, camino de entrada, exposición parcial al sol y piedra decorativa
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