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313 fotos de jardines con borde del césped y exposición parcial al sol

Sir Grange Zoysia - Indooroopilly 4068
Sir Grange Zoysia - Indooroopilly 4068
Jimboomba Turf GroupJimboomba Turf Group
Imagen de jardín moderno en patio trasero con borde del césped y exposición parcial al sol
Massachusetts Residence
Massachusetts Residence
To Design, LLCTo Design, LLC
Diseño de jardín tradicional en patio delantero con borde del césped, exposición parcial al sol y piedra decorativa
Sandringham Garden | Nadia Gill Landscape Architect, Nish Photography
Sandringham Garden | Nadia Gill Landscape Architect, Nish Photography
Nadia Gill Landscape ArchitectNadia Gill Landscape Architect
Sandringham garden - planting
Imagen de jardín contemporáneo de tamaño medio en verano en patio delantero con jardín francés, borde del césped, exposición parcial al sol y adoquines de piedra natural
Pet and Kid-Healthy Lawn
Pet and Kid-Healthy Lawn
FormLA LandscapingFormLA Landscaping
Because the IdealMow lawn needs no support from toxic chemicals to maintain its aesthetic, it is a healthy, safe place for pets and kids to play. It's also resilient to their traffic.
Ejemplo de jardín de tamaño medio en verano en patio delantero con borde del césped y exposición parcial al sol
West Lake Hills | Courtyard
West Lake Hills | Courtyard
Photo by Brittany Dawn Short
Diseño de jardín de secano contemporáneo en patio con borde del césped, exposición parcial al sol y gravilla
Paver Stone Driveway and Patio
Paver Stone Driveway and Patio
The Reesman CompanyThe Reesman Company
Paver stone driveway with edging and landscaping including rock retaining wall. Backyard landscaping features paver stone patio and natural grass tiers as a natural alternative to hardscape retaining walls.
Ranelagh Garden
Ranelagh Garden
Amazon Landscaping and Garden DesignAmazon Landscaping and Garden Design
Summer Garden in Ranelagh Dublin 6 by Amazon Landscaping and Garden Design 014060004 Amazonlandscaping.ie
Modelo de jardín de tamaño medio en verano en patio trasero con jardín francés, borde del césped, exposición parcial al sol, adoquines de piedra natural y con piedra
Hormigón Impreso Para Jardines
Hormigón Impreso Para Jardines
Euromar PavimentosEuromar Pavimentos
Imagen de jardín minimalista de tamaño medio en verano en patio con borde del césped, exposición parcial al sol y adoquines de hormigón
Sharp Lines - Iasi
Sharp Lines - Iasi
Roxana HRoxana H
Foto de jardín minimalista pequeño en verano en patio delantero con borde del césped, exposición parcial al sol y gravilla
Saratoga Contemporary
Saratoga Contemporary
Design Focus InternationalDesign Focus International
@ Lauren Devon www.laurendevon.com
Imagen de jardín minimalista con borde del césped y exposición parcial al sol
Hudson Bend Hilltop Estate
Hudson Bend Hilltop Estate
Native Edge LandscapeNative Edge Landscape
These homeowners came to us wanting to update their property with new plantings at the street, which matched the existing landscaping of the neighborhood, as well as update the various beds around their foundation. The existing beds throughout the property became overgrown and needed a bit of breathing room to allow space for the new plants to fill in. The old vegetation was ripped out and replaced with both native, and adapted plants. The wooded area in the backyard was rid of debris, and a drainage system was added using the rocks that were in their previous landscape design. Not only were the materials able to be recycled, they are now used to help prevent continued erosion of the hillside by taking the water from the sloped driveway and giving it a path toward the woods. Limestone was the chosen replacement because it is cohesive with the neighbor’s landscaping and the pre-existing stairs in the backyard. Blocks of limestone were used to line the new beds and build a new fire pit to accessorize the beautiful view!
French Inspiration - Suburban Garden
French Inspiration - Suburban Garden
Princeton Design CollaborativePrinceton Design Collaborative
Lawn panel with surrounding planting beds
Modelo de jardín actual pequeño en otoño en patio lateral con jardín francés, borde del césped, exposición parcial al sol y adoquines de hormigón
Floreat Garden
Floreat Garden
Diseño de jardín de secano minimalista de tamaño medio en otoño en patio trasero con borde del césped, exposición parcial al sol y adoquines de piedra natural
Aprovechando espacios al máximo
Aprovechando espacios al máximo
queiruga Paisajistasqueiruga Paisajistas
Ejemplo de acceso privado clásico renovado grande en verano en patio trasero con borde del césped, exposición parcial al sol y adoquines de hormigón
Foto de jardín moderno de tamaño medio en patio delantero con borde del césped, exposición parcial al sol y adoquines de hormigón
Berkeley Modern Meets Craftsman
Berkeley Modern Meets Craftsman
Art Garden DesignArt Garden Design
This Berkeley property had overgrown vines, concaving fences, rotted deck, dead lawn, broken concrete, and poor drainage. After removing about 30 yards of soil from this lot, we were able to begin leveling and sculpting the landscape. We installed new concrete pathways, synthetic lawn, custom swing and arbor, Thermory wood decking with metal railings, paver patio with masonry stone wall seating, and stone mosaic water feature with stainless steel wire to match. Many elements tied together nicely in this modern Berkeley backyard.
Modern Garden Design, Essex
Modern Garden Design, Essex
Jon Gower Garden DesignJon Gower Garden Design
Dining Area
Modelo de jardín actual de tamaño medio en verano en patio trasero con jardín francés, borde del césped, exposición parcial al sol, piedra decorativa y con madera
Family Garden
Family Garden
Aidan Cifelli LandscapesAidan Cifelli Landscapes
Foto de jardín contemporáneo de tamaño medio en verano en patio trasero con jardín francés, borde del césped, exposición parcial al sol y adoquines de piedra natural
Front Yard Paradise
Front Yard Paradise
EcoLawn SBEcoLawn SB
This Montecito front yard was transformed with artificial turf, boulder edging, planting, landscape lighting and more. Synthetic grass was cut to fit around a boulder edging. The boulders were from the mudslide tragedy in 2018. This landscape was rebuilt and renewed. Landscaping and stone edging surround this loop driveway.

313 fotos de jardines con borde del césped y exposición parcial al sol

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