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Jamie Keskin Design
Ejemplo de vestíbulo posterior campestre con paredes grises, suelo de ladrillo y suelo rojo
Julie Holloway
Foto de hall ecléctico con puerta simple, puerta azul y suelo marrón
Foto de hall ecléctico con puerta simple, puerta azul y suelo marrón
Tracey Construction Inc.
Front driveway extension for another parking space.
- Techo-bloc Blu60 Shale Grey Pavers with Onyx Black Border
- Techo-bloc Raffinato Step Onyx Black
Judith Balis Interiors
This new construction project in Williamson River Ranch in Eagle, Idaho was Built by Todd Campbell Homes and designed and furnished by me. Photography By Andi Marshall.
Build Nashville
Modelo de hall contemporáneo grande con paredes blancas, suelo de madera clara, puerta simple, puerta marrón y suelo beige
Tucker Thomas Interior Design
Interior Design: Tucker Thomas Interior Design
Builder: Structural Image
Photography: Spacecrafting
Custom Cabinetry: Engstrom
Wood Products
Modelo de vestíbulo posterior clásico de tamaño medio con suelo multicolor
Modelo de vestíbulo posterior clásico de tamaño medio con suelo multicolor
June DeLugas Interiors
Entry Foyer, Photo by J.Sinclair
Imagen de distribuidor tradicional con puerta simple, puerta negra, paredes blancas, suelo de madera oscura y suelo marrón
Imagen de distribuidor tradicional con puerta simple, puerta negra, paredes blancas, suelo de madera oscura y suelo marrón
Oak Hill Architects
Imagen de vestíbulo posterior tradicional grande con paredes blancas y suelo gris
Albert, Righter & Tittmann Architects, Inc.
Hillside Farmhouse sits on a steep East-sloping hill. We set it across the slope, which allowed us to separate the site into a public, arrival side to the North and a private, garden side to the South. The house becomes the long wall, one room wide, that organizes the site into its two parts.
The garage wing, running perpendicularly to the main house, forms a courtyard at the front door. Cars driving in are welcomed by the wide front portico and interlocking stair tower. On the opposite side, under a parade of dormers, the Dining Room saddle-bags into the garden, providing views to the South and East. Its generous overhang keeps out the hot summer sun, but brings in the winter sun.
The house is a hybrid of ‘farm house’ and ‘country house’. It simultaneously relates to the active contiguous farm and the classical imagery prevalent in New England architecture.
Photography by Robert Benson and Brian Tetrault
Wyant Architecture
The addition acts as a threshold from a new entry to the expansive site beyond. Glass becomes the connector between old and new, top and bottom, copper and stone. Reclaimed wood treads are used in a minimally detailed open stair connecting living spaces to a new hall and bedrooms above.
Photography: Jeffrey Totaro
Rachel Reider Interiors
The foyer area of this Brookline/Chestnut Hill residence outside Boston features Phillip Jeffries grasscloth and an Arteriors Mirror. The welcoming arrangement is completed with an airy console table and a selection of choice accessories from retail favorites such as West Elm and Crate and Barrel. Photo Credit: Michael Partenio
Pine Street Carpenters & The Kitchen Studio
Ejemplo de vestíbulo posterior tradicional con papel pintado
Ashby Collective
Diseño de vestíbulo posterior clásico pequeño con paredes blancas, suelo de madera oscura, suelo marrón, machihembrado y machihembrado
47.606 fotos de entradas grises