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Imagen de pista deportiva descubierta tradicional extra grande en patio trasero con exposición reducida al sol y gravilla
Puntuación media: 4.9 de 5 estrellas8 valoraciones Ver perfil

Fireplace Pavillion with Wood Gate

This project is located off of Crescent Ave in Greenville, SC. From inception, this project was a complete renovation with a ‘no-limit’ approach to the design. The clients wanted to create family-friendly gardens to enjoy with their grand-children and also larger spaces for hosting charitable events. A new driveway leads into the property where various materials are married in interesting ways to create new terraces and pavilions, gates and arbors, fountains and fireplaces. Of course, the gardens wouldn’t be complete without the wide variety of elegant plantings and accessories. This truly is a garden full of wonderful detail.

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Usuario de Houzz-447864671 se ha añadido esto a Miller Landscape 11 de noviembre de 2024

secret garden vibes. Love the big doors and the walled off feel and the separate building from the rest of the house.

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